Hi Bram and list,

2016-11-18(Fri) 3:32:45 UTC+9 Bram Moolenaar:
> Patch 8.0.0090
> Problem:    Cursor moved after last character when using 'breakindent'.
> Solution:   Fix the cursor positioning.  Turn the breakindent test into new
>             style.  (Christian Brabandt)
> Files:      src/screen.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
>             src/testdir/test_breakindent.in, src/testdir/test_breakindent.ok,
>             src/testdir/test_breakindent.vim, src/Makefile

The git commit message of v8.0.0090 got a mistake.
It is almost the same content of v8.0.0091.

$ git log v8.0.0091 -2
commit 9f0e423c2818c0cacd0810f9c3c67cbb6b80963d
Author: Bram Moolenaar <b...@vim.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 17 19:48:18 2016 +0100

    patch 8.0.0091
    Problem:    Test_help_complete sometimes fails in MS-Windows console.
    Solution:   Use getcompletion() instead of feedkeys() and command line
                completion. (Hirohito Higashi)

commit 6c896867c4f5d759616028ef7cbfce2a9ed32600
Author: Bram Moolenaar <b...@vim.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 17 19:46:51 2016 +0100

    patch 8.0.0090
    Problem:    Test_help_complete sometimes fails in MS-Windows console.
    Solution:   Use getcompletion() instead of feedkeys() and command line
                completion. (Hirohito Higashi)

Anyway, I only report.
Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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