On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:27:40 PM UTC-6, DrChip wrote:
> Hello:
> Maybe I was just lucky for years, but it seemed to me that the order of
> tags files (left to right in the tags option) and order of tags
> (top-to-bottom in the tags file) was important in resolving multiple
> tags with the same name.  That no longer seems to be the case, which
> makes it hard to avoid prototypes vs the actual function from being
> called up as the first tag (and system prototypes, too).
> So -- was I just lucky, or is a deliberate change, or (hopefully) an
> inadvertent effect that needs fixing?
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

I think you just have been lucky. I've had this in my .vimrc for a few days shy 
of four years now, to allow me to find the definition before the declaration:

    " -R           : recursive
    " --extra=+f   : include file name as a tag
    " --fields=+S  : include signature (e.g. parameter list)
    "           K  : include kind of tag as full name
    "          -k  : not kind of tag as single letter
    " --totals     : print on standard output total number of tags, etc.
    " -B           : reverse search order for definitions
    " --c-kinds=p  : only generate function prototype in C code, normal search 
    " -a           : append to existing file
    let ctags_command=                    ctags_exec.' -R --langmap=c:+.pro 
--extra=+f --fields=+SK-k --totals -B .'
    let ctags_command=ctags_command.' & '.ctags_exec.' -R --langmap=c:+.pro 
--extra=+f --fields=+SK-k --totals --c-kinds=p -a .'

It works because the definitions use a backwards search so that it searches up 
from the bottom of the file instead of down from the top, finding the LAST 
match for the pattern in a given file.

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