On Fr, 04 Aug 2017, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Yasuhiro wrote:
> > Bram and Christian.
> > 
> > Could you please enable auto-cancellation on travis CI?
> > 
> > http://go-gyazo.appspot.com/f6562f1f487205aa.png
> > 
> > When send pull-request to vim/vim, travis CI start tests. If I notice
> > a problem of last commit, I will push next commit. Or push --force.
> > This feature cancel the previous tests. So we can get faster results.
> I think Christian needs to do that.
> Please only do this for pull requests.  For each patch it is good to
> know whether it passed or failed, to be able to pinpoint where a failure
> started.

Okay, I enabled only Auto cancel pull request builds

> I would like to be able to cancel individual builds though, when I know
> it will fail anyway and the queue is getting long.  This is even more
> useful on AppVeyor, where a stuck build runs for an hour before giving
> up.

I think you can do so by logging in to the travis-ci site and cancelling 
individual builds. The same is true for Appveyor.

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