2018-01-08 9:23 GMT+03:00 Yegappan Lakshmanan <yegapp...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Which value you can use as the default value for a job
> type variable? I see that there is a test_null_job() function
> that returns a null job value (but it is supposed to be used
> only for testing). But I don't see any other way to initialize
> a variable to a null job value. Am I missing something?

There is no such a thing as “abstract default value” in VimL, no
matter the type; to define something like this language would need to
have either constructions in which case return values of those
constructors called without arguments may be named “default value for
the type” (e.g. `list()` in Python returning empty list without
arguments) or be typed without support for uninitialized variables
(probably, only in part of the language) in which case whatever they
are initialized to when not explicitly initialized define “default
value for the type” (e.g. in C99 with `*tv = (typval_T) { .v_type =
VAR_STRING }` everything, but `v_type` in `tv` becomes zero; another
example is LabVIEW with “use default if unwired” terminals defaulting
to false/empty array/etc). All other defaults come from code authors,
for what you need to describe a task.

So describe a task.

> Thanks,
> Yegappan
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