Patch 8.0.1505
Problem:    Debugger can't break on a condition. (Charles Campbell)
Solution:   Add ":breakadd expr". (Christian Brabandt, closes #859)
Files:      runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/eval.c, src/evalfunc.c,
            src/userfunc.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
            src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h

*** ../vim-8.0.1504/runtime/doc/repeat.txt      2017-06-10 14:29:26.766871128 
--- runtime/doc/repeat.txt      2018-02-11 18:28:19.817645767 +0100
*** 802,807 ****
--- 806,824 ----
  <             Note that this only works for commands that are executed when
                sourcing the file, not for a function defined in that file.
+ :breaka[dd] expr {expression}
+               Sets a breakpoint, that will break whenever the {expression}
+               evaluates to a different value. Example: >
+                       :breakadd expr g:lnum
+ <             Will break, whenever the global variable lnum changes.
+               Note if you watch a |script-variable| this will break
+               when switching scripts, since the script variable is only
+               valid in the script where it has been defined and if that
+               script is called from several other scripts, this will stop
+               whenever that particular variable will become visible or
+               unaccessible again.
  The [lnum] is the line number of the breakpoint.  Vim will stop at or after
  this line.  When omitted line 1 is used.
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/eval.c  2018-02-10 18:45:21.044822330 +0100
--- src/eval.c  2018-02-11 18:44:34.598688909 +0100
*** 3237,3258 ****
-  * types for expressions.
-  */
- typedef enum
- {
-     TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
-     , TYPE_EQUAL      /* == */
-     , TYPE_NEQUAL     /* != */
-     , TYPE_GREATER    /* >  */
-     , TYPE_GEQUAL     /* >= */
-     , TYPE_SMALLER    /* <  */
-     , TYPE_SEQUAL     /* <= */
-     , TYPE_MATCH      /* =~ */
-     , TYPE_NOMATCH    /* !~ */
- } exptype_T;
- /*
   * The "evaluate" argument: When FALSE, the argument is only parsed but not
   * executed.  The function may return OK, but the rettv will be of type
   * VAR_UNKNOWN.  The function still returns FAIL for a syntax error.
--- 3237,3242 ----
*** 3531,3539 ****
      exptype_T type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
      int               type_is = FALSE;    /* TRUE for "is" and "isnot" */
      int               len = 2;
-     varnumber_T       n1, n2;
-     char_u    *s1, *s2;
-     char_u    buf1[NUMBUFLEN], buf2[NUMBUFLEN];
      int               ic;
--- 3515,3520 ----
*** 3615,3812 ****
            return FAIL;
!       if (evaluate)
!       {
!           if (type_is && rettv->v_type != var2.v_type)
!           {
!               /* For "is" a different type always means FALSE, for "notis"
!                * it means TRUE. */
!               n1 = (type == TYPE_NEQUAL);
!           }
!           else if (rettv->v_type == VAR_LIST || var2.v_type == VAR_LIST)
!           {
!               if (type_is)
!               {
!                   n1 = (rettv->v_type == var2.v_type
!                                  && rettv->vval.v_list == var2.vval.v_list);
!                   if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
!                       n1 = !n1;
!               }
!               else if (rettv->v_type != var2.v_type
!                       || (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL))
!               {
!                   if (rettv->v_type != var2.v_type)
!                       EMSG(_("E691: Can only compare List with List"));
!                   else
!                       EMSG(_("E692: Invalid operation for List"));
!                   clear_tv(rettv);
!                   clear_tv(&var2);
!                   return FAIL;
!               }
!               else
!               {
!                   /* Compare two Lists for being equal or unequal. */
!                   n1 = list_equal(rettv->vval.v_list, var2.vval.v_list,
!                                                                  ic, FALSE);
!                   if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
!                       n1 = !n1;
!               }
!           }
!           else if (rettv->v_type == VAR_DICT || var2.v_type == VAR_DICT)
!           {
!               if (type_is)
!               {
!                   n1 = (rettv->v_type == var2.v_type
!                                  && rettv->vval.v_dict == var2.vval.v_dict);
!                   if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
!                       n1 = !n1;
!               }
!               else if (rettv->v_type != var2.v_type
!                       || (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL))
!               {
!                   if (rettv->v_type != var2.v_type)
!                       EMSG(_("E735: Can only compare Dictionary with 
!                   else
!                       EMSG(_("E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"));
!                   clear_tv(rettv);
!                   clear_tv(&var2);
!                   return FAIL;
!               }
!               else
!               {
!                   /* Compare two Dictionaries for being equal or unequal. */
!                   n1 = dict_equal(rettv->vval.v_dict, var2.vval.v_dict,
!                                                                  ic, FALSE);
!                   if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
!                       n1 = !n1;
!               }
!           }
!           else if (rettv->v_type == VAR_FUNC || var2.v_type == VAR_FUNC
!               || rettv->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL || var2.v_type == VAR_PARTIAL)
!           {
!               if (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL)
!               {
!                   EMSG(_("E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"));
!                   clear_tv(rettv);
!                   clear_tv(&var2);
!                   return FAIL;
!               }
!               if ((rettv->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
!                                            && rettv->vval.v_partial == NULL)
!                       || (var2.v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
!                                             && var2.vval.v_partial == NULL))
!                   /* when a partial is NULL assume not equal */
!                   n1 = FALSE;
!               else if (type_is)
!               {
!                   if (rettv->v_type == VAR_FUNC && var2.v_type == VAR_FUNC)
!                       /* strings are considered the same if their value is
!                        * the same */
!                       n1 = tv_equal(rettv, &var2, ic, FALSE);
!                   else if (rettv->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
!                                               && var2.v_type == VAR_PARTIAL)
!                       n1 = (rettv->vval.v_partial == var2.vval.v_partial);
!                   else
!                       n1 = FALSE;
!               }
!               else
!                   n1 = tv_equal(rettv, &var2, ic, FALSE);
!               if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
!                   n1 = !n1;
!           }
! #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT
!           /*
!            * If one of the two variables is a float, compare as a float.
!            * When using "=~" or "!~", always compare as string.
!            */
!           else if ((rettv->v_type == VAR_FLOAT || var2.v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
!                   && type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
!           {
!               float_T f1, f2;
!               if (rettv->v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
!                   f1 = rettv->vval.v_float;
!               else
!                   f1 = get_tv_number(rettv);
!               if (var2.v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
!                   f2 = var2.vval.v_float;
!               else
!                   f2 = get_tv_number(&var2);
!               n1 = FALSE;
!               switch (type)
!               {
!                   case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (f1 == f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 != f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (f1 > f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 >= f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (f1 < f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 <= f2); break;
!                   case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
!                   case TYPE_MATCH:
!                   case TYPE_NOMATCH:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
!               }
!           }
! #endif
!           /*
!            * If one of the two variables is a number, compare as a number.
!            * When using "=~" or "!~", always compare as string.
!            */
!           else if ((rettv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER || var2.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
!                   && type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
!           {
!               n1 = get_tv_number(rettv);
!               n2 = get_tv_number(&var2);
!               switch (type)
!               {
!                   case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (n1 == n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 != n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (n1 > n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 >= n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (n1 < n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 <= n2); break;
!                   case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
!                   case TYPE_MATCH:
!                   case TYPE_NOMATCH:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
!               }
!           }
!           else
!           {
!               s1 = get_tv_string_buf(rettv, buf1);
!               s2 = get_tv_string_buf(&var2, buf2);
!               if (type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
!                   i = ic ? MB_STRICMP(s1, s2) : STRCMP(s1, s2);
!               else
!                   i = 0;
!               n1 = FALSE;
!               switch (type)
!               {
!                   case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (i == 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (i != 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (i > 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (i >= 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (i < 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (i <= 0); break;
!                   case TYPE_MATCH:
!                   case TYPE_NOMATCH:
!                           n1 = pattern_match(s2, s1, ic);
!                           if (type == TYPE_NOMATCH)
!                               n1 = !n1;
!                           break;
!                   case TYPE_UNKNOWN:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
!               }
!           }
!           clear_tv(rettv);
!           clear_tv(&var2);
!           rettv->v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
!           rettv->vval.v_number = n1;
!       }
      return OK;
--- 3596,3602 ----
            return FAIL;
!       return typval_compare(rettv, &var2, type, type_is, ic, evaluate);
      return OK;
*** 6840,6846 ****
   * Get the value of internal variable "name".
!  * Return OK or FAIL.
--- 6630,6636 ----
   * Get the value of internal variable "name".
!  * Return OK or FAIL.  If OK is returned "rettv" must be cleared.
*** 8419,8425 ****
      win_T *
      typval_T  *vp,
!     tabpage_T *tp UNUSED)     /* NULL for current tab page */
      win_T     *wp;
      int               nr;
--- 8209,8215 ----
      win_T *
      typval_T  *vp,
!     tabpage_T *tp)    /* NULL for current tab page */
      win_T     *wp;
      int               nr;
*** 9279,9284 ****
--- 9069,9345 ----
+     int
+ typval_compare(
+     typval_T  *typ1,   /* first operand */
+     typval_T  *typ2,   /* second operand */
+     exptype_T type,    /* operator */
+     int               type_is, /* TRUE for "is" and "isnot" */
+     int               ic,      /* ignore case */
+     int               evaluate)
+ {
+     int               i;
+     varnumber_T       n1, n2;
+     char_u    *s1, *s2;
+     char_u    buf1[NUMBUFLEN], buf2[NUMBUFLEN];
+     if (evaluate)
+     {
+       if (type_is && typ1->v_type != typ2->v_type)
+       {
+           /* For "is" a different type always means FALSE, for "notis"
+               * it means TRUE. */
+           n1 = (type == TYPE_NEQUAL);
+       }
+       else if (typ1->v_type == VAR_LIST || typ2->v_type == VAR_LIST)
+       {
+           if (type_is)
+           {
+               n1 = (typ1->v_type == typ2->v_type
+                               && typ1->vval.v_list == typ2->vval.v_list);
+               if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
+                   n1 = !n1;
+           }
+           else if (typ1->v_type != typ2->v_type
+                   || (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL))
+           {
+               if (typ1->v_type != typ2->v_type)
+                   EMSG(_("E691: Can only compare List with List"));
+               else
+                   EMSG(_("E692: Invalid operation for List"));
+               clear_tv(typ1);
+               clear_tv(typ2);
+               return FAIL;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               /* Compare two Lists for being equal or unequal. */
+               n1 = list_equal(typ1->vval.v_list, typ2->vval.v_list,
+                                                               ic, FALSE);
+               if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
+                   n1 = !n1;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (typ1->v_type == VAR_DICT || typ2->v_type == VAR_DICT)
+       {
+           if (type_is)
+           {
+               n1 = (typ1->v_type == typ2->v_type
+                               && typ1->vval.v_dict == typ2->vval.v_dict);
+               if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
+                   n1 = !n1;
+           }
+           else if (typ1->v_type != typ2->v_type
+                   || (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL))
+           {
+               if (typ1->v_type != typ2->v_type)
+                   EMSG(_("E735: Can only compare Dictionary with 
+               else
+                   EMSG(_("E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"));
+               clear_tv(typ1);
+               clear_tv(typ2);
+               return FAIL;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               /* Compare two Dictionaries for being equal or unequal. */
+               n1 = dict_equal(typ1->vval.v_dict, typ2->vval.v_dict,
+                                                               ic, FALSE);
+               if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
+                   n1 = !n1;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (typ1->v_type == VAR_FUNC || typ2->v_type == VAR_FUNC
+           || typ1->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL || typ2->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL)
+       {
+           if (type != TYPE_EQUAL && type != TYPE_NEQUAL)
+           {
+               EMSG(_("E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"));
+               clear_tv(typ1);
+               clear_tv(typ2);
+               return FAIL;
+           }
+           if ((typ1->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
+                                           && typ1->vval.v_partial == NULL)
+                   || (typ2->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
+                                           && typ2->vval.v_partial == NULL))
+               /* when a partial is NULL assume not equal */
+               n1 = FALSE;
+           else if (type_is)
+           {
+               if (typ1->v_type == VAR_FUNC && typ2->v_type == VAR_FUNC)
+                   /* strings are considered the same if their value is
+                       * the same */
+                   n1 = tv_equal(typ1, typ2, ic, FALSE);
+               else if (typ1->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL
+                                           && typ2->v_type == VAR_PARTIAL)
+                   n1 = (typ1->vval.v_partial == typ2->vval.v_partial);
+               else
+                   n1 = FALSE;
+           }
+           else
+               n1 = tv_equal(typ1, typ2, ic, FALSE);
+           if (type == TYPE_NEQUAL)
+               n1 = !n1;
+       }
+ #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT
+       /*
+           * If one of the two variables is a float, compare as a float.
+           * When using "=~" or "!~", always compare as string.
+           */
+       else if ((typ1->v_type == VAR_FLOAT || typ2->v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
+               && type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
+       {
+           float_T f1, f2;
+           if (typ1->v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
+               f1 = typ1->vval.v_float;
+           else
+               f1 = get_tv_number(typ1);
+           if (typ2->v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
+               f2 = typ2->vval.v_float;
+           else
+               f2 = get_tv_number(typ2);
+           n1 = FALSE;
+           switch (type)
+           {
+               case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (f1 == f2); break;
+               case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 != f2); break;
+               case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (f1 > f2); break;
+               case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 >= f2); break;
+               case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (f1 < f2); break;
+               case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (f1 <= f2); break;
+               case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+               case TYPE_MATCH:
+               case TYPE_NOMATCH:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
+           }
+       }
+ #endif
+       /*
+           * If one of the two variables is a number, compare as a number.
+           * When using "=~" or "!~", always compare as string.
+           */
+       else if ((typ1->v_type == VAR_NUMBER || typ2->v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
+               && type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
+       {
+           n1 = get_tv_number(typ1);
+           n2 = get_tv_number(typ2);
+           switch (type)
+           {
+               case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (n1 == n2); break;
+               case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 != n2); break;
+               case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (n1 > n2); break;
+               case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 >= n2); break;
+               case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (n1 < n2); break;
+               case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (n1 <= n2); break;
+               case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+               case TYPE_MATCH:
+               case TYPE_NOMATCH:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
+           }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           s1 = get_tv_string_buf(typ1, buf1);
+           s2 = get_tv_string_buf(typ2, buf2);
+           if (type != TYPE_MATCH && type != TYPE_NOMATCH)
+               i = ic ? MB_STRICMP(s1, s2) : STRCMP(s1, s2);
+           else
+               i = 0;
+           n1 = FALSE;
+           switch (type)
+           {
+               case TYPE_EQUAL:    n1 = (i == 0); break;
+               case TYPE_NEQUAL:   n1 = (i != 0); break;
+               case TYPE_GREATER:  n1 = (i > 0); break;
+               case TYPE_GEQUAL:   n1 = (i >= 0); break;
+               case TYPE_SMALLER:  n1 = (i < 0); break;
+               case TYPE_SEQUAL:   n1 = (i <= 0); break;
+               case TYPE_MATCH:
+               case TYPE_NOMATCH:
+                       n1 = pattern_match(s2, s1, ic);
+                       if (type == TYPE_NOMATCH)
+                           n1 = !n1;
+                       break;
+               case TYPE_UNKNOWN:  break;  /* avoid gcc warning */
+           }
+       }
+       clear_tv(typ1);
+       clear_tv(typ2);
+       typ1->v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
+       typ1->vval.v_number = n1;
+     }
+     return OK;
+ }
+     int
+ typval_copy(typ1, typ2)
+     typval_T  *typ1;
+     typval_T  *typ2;
+ {
+     if (typ2 == NULL)
+       rettv_list_alloc(typ2);
+     if (typ1 != NULL && typ2 != NULL)
+       return item_copy(typ1, typ2, TRUE, 0);
+     return FAIL;
+ }
+     char_u *
+ typval_tostring(arg)
+     typval_T  *arg;
+ {
+     char_u    *tofree;
+     char_u    numbuf[NUMBUFLEN];
+     char_u    *ret = NULL;
+     if (arg == NULL)
+       return vim_strsave((char_u *)"(does not exist)");
+     ret = tv2string(arg, &tofree, numbuf, 0);
+     /* Make a copy if we have a value but it's not in allocated memory. */
+     if (ret != NULL && tofree == NULL)
+       ret = vim_strsave(ret);
+     return ret;
+ }
+     int
+ var_exists(char_u *var)
+ {
+     char_u    *name;
+     char_u    *tofree;
+     typval_T    tv;
+     int               len = 0;
+     int               n = FALSE;
+     /* get_name_len() takes care of expanding curly braces */
+     name = var;
+     len = get_name_len(&var, &tofree, TRUE, FALSE);
+     if (len > 0)
+     {
+       if (tofree != NULL)
+           name = tofree;
+       n = (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, NULL, FALSE, TRUE) == OK);
+       if (n)
+       {
+           /* handle d.key, l[idx], f(expr) */
+           n = (handle_subscript(&var, &tv, TRUE, FALSE) == OK);
+           if (n)
+               clear_tv(&tv);
+       }
+     }
+     if (*var != NUL)
+       n = FALSE;
+     vim_free(tofree);
+     return n;
+ }
  #endif /* FEAT_EVAL */
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/evalfunc.c      2018-02-11 14:29:45.372349161 +0100
--- src/evalfunc.c      2018-02-11 18:39:17.376950755 +0100
*** 2991,2999 ****
  f_exists(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
      char_u    *p;
-     char_u    *name;
      int               n = FALSE;
-     int               len = 0;
      p = get_tv_string(&argvars[0]);
      if (*p == '$')                    /* environment variable */
--- 2991,2997 ----
*** 3035,3063 ****
      else                              /* internal variable */
!       char_u      *tofree;
!       typval_T    tv;
!       /* get_name_len() takes care of expanding curly braces */
!       name = p;
!       len = get_name_len(&p, &tofree, TRUE, FALSE);
!       if (len > 0)
!       {
!           if (tofree != NULL)
!               name = tofree;
!           n = (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, NULL, FALSE, TRUE) == OK);
!           if (n)
!           {
!               /* handle d.key, l[idx], f(expr) */
!               n = (handle_subscript(&p, &tv, TRUE, FALSE) == OK);
!               if (n)
!                   clear_tv(&tv);
!           }
!       }
!       if (*p != NUL)
!           n = FALSE;
!       vim_free(tofree);
      rettv->vval.v_number = n;
--- 3033,3039 ----
      else                              /* internal variable */
!       n = var_exists(p);
      rettv->vval.v_number = n;
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/userfunc.c      2018-02-10 18:45:21.096821957 +0100
--- src/userfunc.c      2018-02-11 18:30:01.808923584 +0100
*** 3085,3090 ****
--- 3085,3092 ----
            failed = TRUE;
+       if (has_watchexpr())
+           dbg_check_breakpoint(eap);
        /* Handle a function returning a Funcref, Dictionary or List. */
        if (handle_subscript(&arg, &rettv, !eap->skip, TRUE) == FAIL)
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/ex_cmds2.c      2018-02-10 18:45:21.052822273 +0100
--- src/ex_cmds2.c      2018-02-11 19:01:13.319595875 +0100
*** 73,78 ****
--- 73,88 ----
  static void do_checkbacktracelevel(void);
  static void do_showbacktrace(char_u *cmd);
+ static char_u *debug_oldval = NULL;   /* old and newval for debug expressions 
+ static char_u *debug_newval = NULL;
+ static int     debug_expr   = 0;        /* use debug_expr */
+     int
+ has_watchexpr(void)
+ {
+     return debug_expr;
+ }
   * do_debug(): Debug mode.
   * Repeatedly get Ex commands, until told to continue normal execution.
*** 135,147 ****
      if (!debug_did_msg)
        MSG(_("Entering Debug mode.  Type \"cont\" to continue."));
      if (sourcing_name != NULL)
      if (sourcing_lnum != 0)
        smsg((char_u *)_("line %ld: %s"), (long)sourcing_lnum, cmd);
        smsg((char_u *)_("cmd: %s"), cmd);
       * Repeat getting a command and executing it.
--- 145,168 ----
      if (!debug_did_msg)
        MSG(_("Entering Debug mode.  Type \"cont\" to continue."));
+     if (debug_oldval != NULL)
+     {
+       smsg((char_u *)_("Oldval = \"%s\""), debug_oldval);
+       vim_free(debug_oldval);
+       debug_oldval = NULL;
+     }
+     if (debug_newval != NULL)
+     {
+       smsg((char_u *)_("Newval = \"%s\""), debug_newval);
+       vim_free(debug_newval);
+       debug_newval = NULL;
+     }
      if (sourcing_name != NULL)
      if (sourcing_lnum != 0)
        smsg((char_u *)_("line %ld: %s"), (long)sourcing_lnum, cmd);
        smsg((char_u *)_("cmd: %s"), cmd);
       * Repeat getting a command and executing it.
*** 528,538 ****
  struct debuggy
      int               dbg_nr;         /* breakpoint number */
!     int               dbg_type;       /* DBG_FUNC or DBG_FILE */
!     char_u    *dbg_name;      /* function or file name */
      regprog_T *dbg_prog;      /* regexp program */
      linenr_T  dbg_lnum;       /* line number in function or file */
      int               dbg_forceit;    /* ! used */
  static garray_T dbg_breakp = {0, 0, sizeof(struct debuggy), 4, NULL};
--- 549,563 ----
  struct debuggy
      int               dbg_nr;         /* breakpoint number */
!     int               dbg_type;       /* DBG_FUNC, DBG_FILE or DBG_EXPR */
!     char_u    *dbg_name;      /* function, expression or file name */
      regprog_T *dbg_prog;      /* regexp program */
      linenr_T  dbg_lnum;       /* line number in function or file */
      int               dbg_forceit;    /* ! used */
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+     typval_T    *dbg_val;       /* last result of watchexpression */
+ #endif
+     int               dbg_level;      /* stored nested level for expr */
  static garray_T dbg_breakp = {0, 0, sizeof(struct debuggy), 4, NULL};
*** 546,551 ****
--- 571,577 ----
  #define DBG_FUNC      1
  #define DBG_FILE      2
+ #define DBG_EXPR      3
  static int dbg_parsearg(char_u *arg, garray_T *gap);
  static linenr_T debuggy_find(int file,char_u *fname, linenr_T after, garray_T 
*gap, int *fp);
*** 589,594 ****
--- 615,626 ----
        bp->dbg_type = DBG_FILE;
        here = TRUE;
+     else if (
+           gap != &prof_ga &&
+ #endif
+           STRNCMP(p, "expr", 4) == 0)
+       bp->dbg_type = DBG_EXPR;
        EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p);
*** 624,629 ****
--- 656,667 ----
        bp->dbg_name = vim_strsave(p);
      else if (here)
        bp->dbg_name = vim_strsave(curbuf->b_ffname);
+     else if (bp->dbg_type == DBG_EXPR)
+     {
+       bp->dbg_name = vim_strsave(p);
+       if (bp->dbg_name != NULL)
+           bp->dbg_val = eval_expr(bp->dbg_name, NULL);
+     }
        /* Expand the file name in the same way as do_source().  This means
*** 671,696 ****
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len);
        bp->dbg_forceit = eap->forceit;
!       pat = file_pat_to_reg_pat(bp->dbg_name, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
!       if (pat != NULL)
!       {
!           bp->dbg_prog = vim_regcomp(pat, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
!           vim_free(pat);
!       }
!       if (pat == NULL || bp->dbg_prog == NULL)
!           vim_free(bp->dbg_name);
!       else
!           if (bp->dbg_lnum == 0)      /* default line number is 1 */
!               bp->dbg_lnum = 1;
!           if (eap->cmdidx != CMD_profile)
!           {
!               DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len).dbg_nr = ++last_breakp;
!               ++debug_tick;
!           ++gap->ga_len;
--- 709,743 ----
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len);
        bp->dbg_forceit = eap->forceit;
!       if (bp->dbg_type != DBG_EXPR)
!           pat = file_pat_to_reg_pat(bp->dbg_name, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
!           if (pat != NULL)
!           {
!               bp->dbg_prog = vim_regcomp(pat, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
!               vim_free(pat);
!           }
!           if (pat == NULL || bp->dbg_prog == NULL)
!               vim_free(bp->dbg_name);
!           else
!           {
!               if (bp->dbg_lnum == 0)  /* default line number is 1 */
!                   bp->dbg_lnum = 1;
!               if (eap->cmdidx != CMD_profile)
!               {
!                   DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len).dbg_nr = ++last_breakp;
!                   ++debug_tick;
!               }
!               ++gap->ga_len;
!       }
!       else
!       {
!           /* DBG_EXPR */
!           DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len++).dbg_nr = ++last_breakp;
!           ++debug_tick;
*** 750,756 ****
!       /* ":breakdel {func|file} [lnum] {name}" */
        if (dbg_parsearg(eap->arg, gap) == FAIL)
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len);
--- 797,803 ----
!       /* ":breakdel {func|file|expr} [lnum] {name}" */
        if (dbg_parsearg(eap->arg, gap) == FAIL)
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, gap->ga_len);
*** 778,783 ****
--- 825,835 ----
        while (gap->ga_len > 0)
            vim_free(DEBUGGY(gap, todel).dbg_name);
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+           if (DEBUGGY(gap, todel).dbg_type == DBG_EXPR
+                   && DEBUGGY(gap, todel).dbg_val != NULL)
+               free_tv(DEBUGGY(gap, todel).dbg_val);
+ #endif
            vim_regfree(DEBUGGY(gap, todel).dbg_prog);
            if (todel < gap->ga_len)
*** 814,824 ****
            bp = &BREAKP(i);
            if (bp->dbg_type == DBG_FILE)
                home_replace(NULL, bp->dbg_name, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
!           smsg((char_u *)_("%3d  %s %s  line %ld"),
                    bp->dbg_type == DBG_FUNC ? "func" : "file",
                    bp->dbg_type == DBG_FUNC ? bp->dbg_name : NameBuff,
--- 866,880 ----
            bp = &BREAKP(i);
            if (bp->dbg_type == DBG_FILE)
                home_replace(NULL, bp->dbg_name, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
!           if (bp->dbg_type != DBG_EXPR)
!               smsg((char_u *)_("%3d  %s %s  line %ld"),
                    bp->dbg_type == DBG_FUNC ? "func" : "file",
                    bp->dbg_type == DBG_FUNC ? bp->dbg_name : NameBuff,
+           else
+               smsg((char_u *)_("%3d  expr %s"),
+                   bp->dbg_nr, bp->dbg_name);
*** 889,895 ****
        /* Skip entries that are not useful or are for a line that is beyond
         * an already found breakpoint. */
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, i);
!       if (((bp->dbg_type == DBG_FILE) == file && (
                gap == &prof_ga ||
--- 945,952 ----
        /* Skip entries that are not useful or are for a line that is beyond
         * an already found breakpoint. */
        bp = &DEBUGGY(gap, i);
!       if (((bp->dbg_type == DBG_FILE) == file &&
!               bp->dbg_type != DBG_EXPR && (
                gap == &prof_ga ||
*** 910,915 ****
--- 967,1032 ----
            got_int |= prev_got_int;
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+       else if (bp->dbg_type == DBG_EXPR)
+       {
+           typval_T *tv;
+           int       line = FALSE;
+           prev_got_int = got_int;
+           got_int = FALSE;
+           tv = eval_expr(bp->dbg_name, NULL);
+           if (tv != NULL)
+           {
+               if (bp->dbg_val == NULL)
+               {
+                   debug_oldval = typval_tostring(NULL);
+                   bp->dbg_val = tv;
+                   debug_newval = typval_tostring(bp->dbg_val);
+                   line = TRUE;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   typval_T  val3;
+                   if (typval_copy(bp->dbg_val, &val3) == OK)
+                   {
+                       if (typval_compare(tv, &val3, TYPE_EQUAL,
+                                                      TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) == OK
+                               && tv->vval.v_number == FALSE)
+                       {
+                           typval_T *v;
+                           line = TRUE;
+                           debug_oldval = typval_tostring(bp->dbg_val);
+                           v = eval_expr(bp->dbg_name, NULL);
+                           debug_newval = typval_tostring(v);
+                           free_tv(bp->dbg_val);
+                           bp->dbg_val = v;
+                       }
+                   }
+                   free_tv(tv);
+               }
+           }
+           else if (bp->dbg_val != NULL)
+           {
+               debug_oldval = typval_tostring(bp->dbg_val);
+               debug_newval = typval_tostring(NULL);
+               free_tv(bp->dbg_val);
+               bp->dbg_val = NULL;
+               line = TRUE;
+           }
+           if (line)
+           {
+               lnum = after > 0 ? after : 1;
+               break;
+           }
+           got_int |= prev_got_int;
+       }
+ #endif
      if (name != fname)
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/ex_docmd.c      2018-02-10 18:45:21.056822244 +0100
--- src/ex_docmd.c      2018-02-11 18:16:14.746787486 +0100
*** 1174,1179 ****
--- 1174,1186 ----
+       /* Check for the next breakpoint after a watchexpression */
+       if (breakpoint != NULL && has_watchexpr())
+       {
+           *breakpoint = dbg_find_breakpoint(FALSE, fname, sourcing_lnum);
+           *dbg_tick = debug_tick;
+       }
         * When not inside any ":while" loop, clear remembered lines.
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/proto/  2017-12-16 18:26:56.626992497 +0100
--- src/proto/  2018-02-11 18:45:02.854487787 +0100
*** 64,70 ****
  varnumber_T get_vim_var_nr(int idx);
  char_u *get_vim_var_str(int idx);
  list_T *get_vim_var_list(int idx);
! dict_T * get_vim_var_dict(int idx);
  void set_vim_var_char(int c);
  void set_vcount(long count, long count1, int set_prevcount);
  void set_vim_var_string(int idx, char_u *val, int len);
--- 64,70 ----
  varnumber_T get_vim_var_nr(int idx);
  char_u *get_vim_var_str(int idx);
  list_T *get_vim_var_list(int idx);
! dict_T *get_vim_var_dict(int idx);
  void set_vim_var_char(int c);
  void set_vcount(long count, long count1, int set_prevcount);
  void set_vim_var_string(int idx, char_u *val, int len);
*** 129,134 ****
--- 129,138 ----
  void assert_exception(typval_T *argvars);
  void assert_fails(typval_T *argvars);
  void fill_assert_error(garray_T *gap, typval_T *opt_msg_tv, char_u *exp_str, 
typval_T *exp_tv, typval_T *got_tv, assert_type_T atype);
+ int typval_compare(typval_T *typ1, typval_T *typ2, exptype_T type, int 
type_is, int ic, int evaluate);
+ int typval_copy(typval_T *typ1, typval_T *typ2);
+ char_u *typval_tostring(typval_T *arg);
+ int var_exists(char_u *var);
  int modify_fname(char_u *src, int *usedlen, char_u **fnamep, char_u **bufp, 
int *fnamelen);
  char_u *do_string_sub(char_u *str, char_u *pat, char_u *sub, typval_T *expr, 
char_u *flags);
  void filter_map(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int map);
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/proto/      2017-08-03 14:29:09.895896191 
--- src/proto/      2018-02-11 18:16:14.746787486 +0100
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,5 ----
  /* ex_cmds2.c */
+ int has_watchexpr (void);
  void do_debug(char_u *cmd);
  void ex_debug(exarg_T *eap);
  void dbg_check_breakpoint(exarg_T *eap);
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/structs.h       2018-02-10 18:15:00.754098808 +0100
--- src/structs.h       2018-02-11 18:16:14.746787486 +0100
*** 3263,3268 ****
--- 3263,3284 ----
  } context_sha256_T;
+  * types for expressions.
+  */
+ typedef enum
+ {
+     TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
+     , TYPE_EQUAL      /* == */
+     , TYPE_NEQUAL     /* != */
+     , TYPE_GREATER    /* >  */
+     , TYPE_GEQUAL     /* >= */
+     , TYPE_SMALLER    /* <  */
+     , TYPE_SEQUAL     /* <= */
+     , TYPE_MATCH      /* =~ */
+     , TYPE_NOMATCH    /* !~ */
+ } exptype_T;
+ /*
   * Structure used for reading in json_decode().
  struct js_reader
*** ../vim-8.0.1504/src/version.c       2018-02-11 16:40:13.439759211 +0100
--- src/version.c       2018-02-11 19:05:22.425829110 +0100
*** 773,774 ****
--- 773,776 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1505,

ARTHUR:  Be quiet!
DENNIS:  --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--
ARTHUR:  Be quiet!  I order you to be quiet!
WOMAN:   Order, eh -- who does he think he is?
ARTHUR:  I am your king!
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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