Patch 8.0.1526
Problem:    No test using a screen dump yet.
Solution:   Add a test for C syntax highlighting.  Add helper functions.
Files:      src/terminal.c, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim,
            src/testdir/shared.vim, src/testdir/screendump.vim,
            src/testdir/dumps/Test_syntax_c_01.dump, runtime/doc/terminal.txt,

*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/terminal.c      2018-02-19 21:50:38.346102072 +0100
--- src/terminal.c      2018-02-20 15:41:00.512381833 +0100
*** 410,419 ****
      if (!opt->jo_hidden)
!       /* only one size was taken care of with :new, do the other one */
!       if (opt->jo_term_rows > 0 && (cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT))
!       if (opt->jo_term_cols > 0 && !(cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT))
--- 410,422 ----
      if (!opt->jo_hidden)
!       /* Only one size was taken care of with :new, do the other one.  With
!        * "curwin" both need to be done. */
!       if (opt->jo_term_rows > 0 && (opt->jo_curwin
!                                                || (cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT)))
!       if (opt->jo_term_cols > 0 && (opt->jo_curwin
!                                               || !(cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT)))
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/testdir/test_syntax.vim 2017-06-27 15:43:46.266992420 
--- src/testdir/test_syntax.vim 2018-02-20 15:11:30.624526041 +0100
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,13 ----
  source view_util.vim
+ if has('terminal')
+   source screendump.vim
+ endif
  func GetSyntaxItem(pat)
    let c = ''
*** 497,503 ****
! fun Test_synstack_synIDtrans()
    setfiletype c
    syntax on
--- 500,506 ----
! func Test_synstack_synIDtrans()
    setfiletype c
    syntax on
*** 520,522 ****
--- 523,558 ----
    syn clear
+ " Check highlighting for a small piece of C code with a screen dump.
+ func Test_syntax_c()
+   if !has('terminal')
+     return
+   endif
+   call writefile([
+       \ '/* comment line at the top */',
+       \ '  int',
+       \ 'main(int argc, char **argv)// another comment',
+       \ '{',
+       \ '#if 0',
+       \ '   int   not_used;',
+       \ '#else',
+       \ '   int   used;',
+       \ '#endif',
+       \ '   printf("Just an example piece of C code\n");',
+       \ '   return 0x0ff;',
+       \ '}',
+       \ '   static void',
+       \ 'myFunction(const double count, struct nothing, long there) {',
+       \ '  // 123: nothing to read here',
+       \ '  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {',
+       \ '    break;',
+       \ '  }',
+       \ '}',
+       \ ], 'Xtest.c')
+   let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest.c', {})
+   call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_syntax_c_01')
+   call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+   call delete('Xtest.c')
+ endfun
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/testdir/shared.vim      2017-11-04 18:48:39.170316937 
--- src/testdir/shared.vim      2018-02-20 14:59:34.029274134 +0100
*** 178,194 ****
  " The Makefile writes it as the first line in the "vimcmd" file.
  func GetVimProg()
    if !filereadable('vimcmd')
!     return ''
    return readfile('vimcmd')[0]
  " Get the command to run Vim, with -u NONE and --not-a-term arguments.
  " If there is an argument use it instead of "NONE".
- " Returns an empty string on error.
  func GetVimCommand(...)
    if !filereadable('vimcmd')
!     return ''
    if a:0 == 0
      let name = 'NONE'
--- 178,197 ----
  " The Makefile writes it as the first line in the "vimcmd" file.
  func GetVimProg()
    if !filereadable('vimcmd')
!     " Assume the script was sourced instead of running "make".
!     return '../vim'
    return readfile('vimcmd')[0]
  " Get the command to run Vim, with -u NONE and --not-a-term arguments.
  " If there is an argument use it instead of "NONE".
  func GetVimCommand(...)
    if !filereadable('vimcmd')
!     echo 'Cannot read the "vimcmd" file, falling back to ../vim.'
!     let lines = ['../vim']
!   else
!     let lines = readfile('vimcmd')
    if a:0 == 0
      let name = 'NONE'
*** 199,205 ****
    " "vimcmd" file, including environment options.
    " Other Makefiles just write the executable in the first line, so fall back
    " to that if there is no second line.
-   let lines = readfile('vimcmd')
    let cmd = get(lines, 1, lines[0])
    let cmd = substitute(cmd, '-u \f\+', '-u ' . name, '')
    if cmd !~ '-u '. name
--- 202,207 ----
*** 210,215 ****
--- 212,225 ----
    return cmd
+ " Get the command to run Vim, with --clean.
+ func GetVimCommandClean()
+   let cmd = GetVimCommand()
+   let cmd = substitute(cmd, '-u NONE', '--clean', '')
+   let cmd = substitute(cmd, '--not-a-term', '', '')
+   return cmd
+ endfunc
  " Run Vim, using the "vimcmd" file and "-u NORC".
  " "before" is a list of Vim commands to be executed before loading plugins.
  " "after" is a list of Vim commands to be executed after loading plugins.
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-02-20 15:40:04.424769276 
--- src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-02-20 15:49:09.257013834 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,65 ----
+ " Functions shared by tests making screen dumps.
+ " Only load this script once.
+ if exists('*RunVimInTerminal')
+   finish
+ endif
+ source shared.vim
+ " Run Vim with "arguments" in a new terminal window.
+ " By default uses a size of 20 lines and 75 columns.
+ " Returns the buffer number of the terminal.
+ "
+ " Options is a dictionary (not used yet).
+ func RunVimInTerminal(arguments, options)
+   " Make a horizontal and vertical split, so that we can get exactly the right
+   " size terminal window.  Works only when we currently have one window.
+   call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+   split
+   vsplit
+   " Always doo this with 256 colors and a light background.
+   set t_Co=256
+   hi Normal ctermfg=0 ctermbg=15
+   let cmd = GetVimCommandClean()
+   let cmd .= ' ' . a:arguments
+   let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1, 'term_rows': 20, 'term_cols': 75})
+   call assert_equal([20, 75], term_getsize(buf))
+   return buf
+ endfunc
+ " Stop a Vim running in terminal buffer "buf".
+ func StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+   call assert_equal("running", term_getstatus(a:buf))
+   call term_sendkeys(a:buf, ":qa!\<cr>")
+   call WaitFor('term_getstatus(' . a:buf . ') == "finished"')
+   only!
+ endfunc
+ " Verify that Vim running in terminal buffer "buf" matches the screen dump.
+ " The file name used is "dumps/{filename}.dump".
+ " Will wait for up to a second for the screen dump to match.
+ func VerifyScreenDump(buf, filename)
+   let reference = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.dump'
+   let testfile = a:filename . '.dump.failed'
+   let i = 0
+   while 1
+     call delete(testfile)
+     call term_dumpwrite(a:buf, testfile)
+     if readfile(reference) == readfile(testfile)
+       call delete(testfile)
+       break
+     endif
+     if i == 100
+       " Leave the test file around for inspection.
+       call assert_report('See dump file difference: call term_dumpdiff("' . 
testfile . '", "' . reference . '")')
+       break
+     endif
+     sleep 10m
+     let i += 1
+   endwhile
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/testdir/dumps/Test_syntax_c_01.dump     1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/dumps/Test_syntax_c_01.dump     2018-02-20 15:07:13.990249310 
*** 0 ****
--- 1,20 ----
+ |/+0#0000e05#ffffff16|*| |c|o|m@1|e|n|t| |l|i|n|e| |a|t| |t|h|e| |t|o|p| 
|*|/| +0#0000001&@45
+ | @1|i+0#00e0003&|n|t| +0#0000001&@69
+ |m|a|i|n|(|i+0#00e0003&|n|t| +0#0000001&|a|r|g|c|,| |c+0#00e0003&|h|a|r| 
+0#0000001&|*@1|a|r|g|v|)|/+0#0000e05&@1| |a|n|o|t|h|e|r| |c|o|m@1|e|n|t| 
+ |{| @73
+ |#+0#e000e06&|i|f| |0| +0#0000001&@69
+ | +0#0000e05&@2|i|n|t| @2|n|o|t|_|u|s|e|d|;| +0#0000001&@56
+ |#+0#e000e06&|e|l|s|e| +0#0000001&@69
+ | @2|i+0#00e0003&|n|t| +0#0000001&@2|u|s|e|d|;| @60
+ |#+0#e000e06&|e|n|d|i|f| +0#0000001&@68
+ | @2|p|r|i|n|t|f|(|"+0#e000002&|J|u|s|t| |a|n| |e|x|a|m|p|l|e| |p|i|e|c|e| 
|o|f| |C| |c|o|d|e|\+0#e000e06&|n|"+0#e000002&|)+0#0000001&|;| @27
+ | @2|r+0#af5f00255&|e|t|u|r|n| +0#0000001&|0+0#e000002&|x|0|f@1|;+0#0000001&| 
+ |}| @73
+ | @2|s+0#00e0003&|t|a|t|i|c| +0#0000001&|v+0#00e0003&|o|i|d| +0#0000001&@60
+ |m|y|F|u|n|c|t|i|o|n|(|c+0#00e0003&|o|n|s|t| 
+0#0000001&|d+0#00e0003&|o|u|b|l|e| +0#0000001&|c|o|u|n|t|,| 
|s+0#00e0003&|t|r|u|c|t| +0#0000001&|n|o|t|h|i|n|g|,| |l+0#00e0003&|o|n|g| 
+0#0000001&|t|h|e|r|e|)| |{| @14
+ | @1|/+0#0000e05&@1| |1+0#e000002&|2|3|:+0#0000e05&| |n|o|t|h|i|n|g| |t|o| 
|r|e|a|d| |h|e|r|e| +0#0000001&@44
+ | @1|f+0#af5f00255&|o|r| +0#0000001&|(|i+0#00e0003&|n|t| +0#0000001&|i| |=| 
|0+0#e000002&|;+0#0000001&| |i| |<| |c|o|u|n|t|;| |+@1|i|)| |{| @39
+ | @3|b+0#af5f00255&|r|e|a|k|;+0#0000001&| @64
+ | @1|}| @71
+ |}| @73
+ |"|X|t|e|s|t|.|c|"| |1|9|L|,| |3|6|4|C| @37|1|,|1| @10|A|l@1| 
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/runtime/doc/terminal.txt    2017-11-21 18:11:23.653015937 
--- runtime/doc/terminal.txt    2018-02-20 15:23:28.291652069 +0100
*** 1,4 ****
! *terminal.txt*        For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2017 Nov 17
                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
--- 1,4 ----
! *terminal.txt*        For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2018 Feb 20
                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
*** 14,38 ****
  If the result is "1" you have it.
! 1. Basic use          |terminal-use|
!       Typing                  |terminal-typing|
!       Size and color          |terminal-size-color|
!       Syntax                  |:terminal|
!       Resizing                        |terminal-resizing|
!       Terminal Modes          |Terminal-mode|
!       Cursor style            |terminal-cursor-style|
!       Special keys            |terminal-special-keys|
!       Unix                    |terminal-unix|
!       MS-Windows              |terminal-ms-windows|
! 2. Remote testing     |terminal-testing|
! 3. Debugging          |terminal-debug|
!       Starting                        |termdebug-starting|
!       Example session         |termdebug-example|
!       Stepping through code   |termdebug-stepping|
!       Inspecting variables    |termdebug-variables|
!       Other commands          |termdebug-commands|
!       Communication           |termdebug-communication|
!       Customizing             |termdebug-customizing|
  {Vi does not have any of these commands}
  {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
--- 14,42 ----
  If the result is "1" you have it.
! 1. Basic use                  |terminal-use|
!       Typing                          |terminal-typing|
!       Size and color                  |terminal-size-color|
!       Syntax                          |:terminal|
!       Resizing                                |terminal-resizing|
!       Terminal Modes                  |Terminal-mode|
!       Cursor style                    |terminal-cursor-style|
!       Special keys                    |terminal-special-keys|
!       Unix                            |terminal-unix|
!       MS-Windows                      |terminal-ms-windows|
! 2. Remote testing             |terminal-testing|
! 3. Diffing screen dumps               |terminal-diff|
!       Writing a screen dump test for Vim  |terminal-dumptest|
!       Creating a screen dump            |terminal-screendump|
!       Comparing screen dumps            |terminal-diffscreendump|
! 4. Debugging                  |terminal-debug|
!       Starting                                |termdebug-starting|
!       Example session                 |termdebug-example|
!       Stepping through code           |termdebug-stepping|
!       Inspecting variables            |termdebug-variables|
!       Other commands                  |termdebug-commands|
!       Communication                   |termdebug-communication|
!       Customizing                     |termdebug-customizing|
  {Vi does not have any of these commands}
  {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
*** 122,128 ****
  For a color terminal the 'background' option is used to decide whether the
  terminal window will start with a white or black background.
! To use a different color the Terminal highlight group can be used: >
      hi Terminal ctermbg=lightgrey ctermfg=blue guibg=lightgrey guifg=blue
--- 126,133 ----
  For a color terminal the 'background' option is used to decide whether the
  terminal window will start with a white or black background.
! To use a different color the Terminal highlight group can be used, for
! example: >
      hi Terminal ctermbg=lightgrey ctermfg=blue guibg=lightgrey guifg=blue
*** 148,158 ****
                        keys in the terminal window.  For MS-Windows see the
                        ++eof argument below.
-                       Two comma separated numbers are used as "rows,cols".
-                       E.g. `:24,80gdb` opens a terminal with 24 rows and 80
-                       columns.  However, if the terminal window spans the
-                       Vim window with, there is no vertical split, the Vim
-                       window width is used.
                                                *term++close* *term++open*
                        Supported [options] are:
                        ++close         The terminal window will close
--- 153,158 ----
*** 167,175 ****
                        ++hidden        Open the terminal in a hidden buffer,
                                        no window will be used.
                        ++rows={height} Use {height} for the terminal window
!                                       height.
                        ++cols={width}  Use {width} for the terminal window
!                                       width.
                        ++eof={text}    when using [range]: text to send after
                                        the last line was written. Cannot
                                        contain white space.  A CR is
--- 167,181 ----
                        ++hidden        Open the terminal in a hidden buffer,
                                        no window will be used.
                        ++rows={height} Use {height} for the terminal window
!                                       height.  If the terminal uses the full
!                                       Vim height (no window above or below
!                                       th terminal window) the command line
!                                       height will be reduced as needed.
                        ++cols={width}  Use {width} for the terminal window
!                                       width. If the terminal uses the full
!                                       Vim width (no window left or right of
!                                       the terminal window) this value is
!                                       ignored.
                        ++eof={text}    when using [range]: text to send after
                                        the last line was written. Cannot
                                        contain white space.  A CR is
*** 358,364 ****
! 3. Debugging                                  *terminal-debug*
  The Terminal debugging plugin can be used to debug a program with gdb and view
  the source code in a Vim window.  Since this is completely contained inside
--- 364,460 ----
! 3. Diffing screen dumps                                       *terminal-diff*
! In some cases it can be bothersome to test that Vim displays the right
! characters on the screen.  E.g. with syntax highlighting.  To make this
! simpler it is possible to take a screen dump of a terminal and compare it to
! an expected screen dump.
! Vim uses the window size, text, color and other attributes as displayed.  The
! Vim screen size, font and other properties do not matter.  Therefore this
! mechanism is portable across systems.  A convential screenshot would reflect
! all differences, including font size and family.
! Writing a screen dump test for Vim ~
!                                                       *terminal-dumptest*
! For an example see the Test_syntax_c() function in
! src/testdir/test_syntax.vim.  The main parts are:
! - Write a file you want to test with. This is useful for testing syntax
!   highlighting.  You can also start Vim with en empty buffer.
! - Run Vim in a terminal with a specific size.  The default is 20 lines of 75
!   characters.  This makes sure the dump is always this size.  The function
!   RunVimInTerminal() takes care of this.  Pass it the arguments for the Vim
!   command.
! - Send any commands to Vim using term_sendkeys().  For example: >
!       call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo &lines &columns\<CR>")
! - Check that the screen is now in the expected state, using
!   VerifyScreenDump().  This expects the reference screen dump to be in the
!   src/testdir/dumps/ directory.  Pass the name without ".dump".  It is
!   recommended to use the name of the test function and a sequence number, so
!   that we know what test is using the file.
! - Repeat sending commands and checking the state.
! - Finally stop Vim by calling StopVimInTerminal().
! The first time you do this you won't have a screen dump yet.  Create an empty
! file for now, e.g.: >
!       touch src/testdir/dumps/Test_function_name_01.dump
! The test will then fail, giving you the command to compare the reference dump
! and the failed dump, e.g.: >
!       call term_dumpdiff("Test_func.dump.failed", "dumps/Test_func.dump")
! Use this command in Vim, with the current directory set to src/testdir.
! Once you are satisfied with the test, move the failed dump in place of the
! reference: >
!       :!mv Test_func.dump.failed dumps/Test_func.dump
! Creating a screen dump ~
!                                                       *terminal-screendump*
! To create the screen dump, run Vim (or any other program) in a terminal and
! make it show the desired state.  Then use the term_dumpwrite() function to
! create a screen dump file.  For example: >
!       :call term_dumpwrite(77, "mysyntax.dump")
! Here "77" is the buffer number of the terminal.  Use `:ls!` to see it.
! You can view the screen dump with term_dumpload(): >
!       :call term_dumpload("mysyntax.dump")
! To verify that Vim still shows exactly the same screen, run Vim again with
! exactly the same way to show the desired state.  Then create a screen dump
! again, using a different file name: >
!       :call term_dumpwrite(88, "test.dump")
! To assert that the files are exactly the same use assert_equalfile(): >
!       call assert_equalfile("mysyntax.dump", "test.dump")
! If there are differences then v:errors will contain the error message.
! Comparing screen dumps ~
!                                               *terminal-diffscreendump*
! assert_equalfile() does not make it easy to see what is different.
! To spot the problem use term_dumpdiff(): >
!       call term_dumpdiff("mysyntax.dump", "test.dump")
! This will open a window consisting of three parts:
! 1.  The contents of the first dump
! 2.  The difference between the first and second dump
! 3.  The contents of the second dump
! You can usually see what differs in the second part.  Use the 'ruler' to
! relate it to the postion in the first or second dump.
! Alternatively, press "s" to swap the first and second dump. Do this everal
! times so that you can spot the difference in the context of the text.
! ==============================================================================
! 4. Debugging                                          *terminal-debug*
  The Terminal debugging plugin can be used to debug a program with gdb and view
  the source code in a Vim window.  Since this is completely contained inside
*** 370,381 ****
  Load the plugin with this command: >
        packadd termdebug
  <                                                     *:Termdebug*
! To start debugging use `:TermDebug` folowed by the command name, for example: 
        :Termdebug vim
  This opens two windows:
  gdb window    A terminal window in which "gdb vim" is executed.  Here you
                can directly interact with gdb.  The buffer name is "!gdb".
  program window        A terminal window for the executed program.  When "run" 
                used in gdb the program I/O will happen in this window, so
                that it does not interfere with controlling gdb.  The buffer
--- 466,479 ----
  Load the plugin with this command: >
        packadd termdebug
  <                                                     *:Termdebug*
! To start debugging use `:Termdebug` followed by the command name, for 
example: >
        :Termdebug vim
  This opens two windows:
  gdb window    A terminal window in which "gdb vim" is executed.  Here you
                can directly interact with gdb.  The buffer name is "!gdb".
  program window        A terminal window for the executed program.  When "run" 
                used in gdb the program I/O will happen in this window, so
                that it does not interfere with controlling gdb.  The buffer
*** 471,489 ****
   :Delete      delete a breakpoint at the current line
   :Step                execute the gdb "step" command
!  :Over                execute the gdb "next" command (:Next is a Vim command)
   :Finish      execute the gdb "finish" command
   :Continue    execute the gdb "continue" command
   :Stop                interrupt the program
! The plugin adds a window toolbar with these entries:
    Step                :Step
    Next                :Over
    Finish      :Finish
    Cont                :Continue
    Stop                :Stop
    Eval                :Evaluate
! This way you can use the mouse to perform the most common commands.
  Inspecting variables ~
--- 569,588 ----
   :Delete      delete a breakpoint at the current line
   :Step                execute the gdb "step" command
!  :Over                execute the gdb "next" command (:Next is a Vim command)
   :Finish      execute the gdb "finish" command
   :Continue    execute the gdb "continue" command
   :Stop                interrupt the program
! If 'mouse' is set the plugin adds a window toolbar with these entries:
    Step                :Step
    Next                :Over
    Finish      :Finish
    Cont                :Continue
    Stop                :Stop
    Eval                :Evaluate
! This way you can use the mouse to perform the most common commands.  You need
! to have the 'mouse' option set to enable mouse clicks.
  Inspecting variables ~
*** 520,525 ****
--- 619,625 ----
        Undefined command: "new-ui". Try "help".~
  Then your gdb is too old.
+                                       *hl-debugPC* *hl-debugBreakpoint*
  The color of the signs can be adjusted with these highlight groups:
  - debugPC             the current position
  - debugBreakpoint     a breakpoint
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/testdir/README.txt      2017-01-10 13:51:05.587236267 
--- src/testdir/README.txt      2018-02-20 15:36:03.802435018 +0100
*** 35,40 ****
--- 35,46 ----
  - See the start of runtest.vim for more help.
+ Mostly the same as writing a new style test.  Additonally, see help on
+ "terminal-dumptest".  Put the reference dump in "dumps/Test_func_name.dump".
  1) Create test_<subject>.in and test_<subject>.ok files.
*** ../vim-8.0.1525/src/version.c       2018-02-19 23:09:57.385619337 +0100
--- src/version.c       2018-02-20 15:40:12.152715877 +0100
*** 773,774 ****
--- 773,776 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1526,

An indication you must be a manager:
You can explain to somebody the difference between "re-engineering",
"down-sizing", "right-sizing", and "firing people's asses".

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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