Patch 8.0.1727
Problem:    qf_get_properties() function is too long.
Solution:   Refactor the code. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #2807)
Files:      src/quickfix.c

*** ../vim-8.0.1726/src/quickfix.c      2018-04-12 20:35:01.106692254 +0200
--- src/quickfix.c      2018-04-16 18:03:07.284370363 +0200
*** 1183,1189 ****
      fields.errmsglen = CMDBUFFSIZE + 1;
      fields.errmsg = alloc_id(fields.errmsglen, aid_qf_errmsg);
      fields.pattern = alloc_id(CMDBUFFSIZE + 1, aid_qf_pattern);
!     if (fields.namebuf == NULL || fields.errmsg == NULL || fields.pattern == 
        goto qf_init_end;
      if (efile != NULL && (state.fd = mch_fopen((char *)efile, "r")) == NULL)
--- 1183,1190 ----
      fields.errmsglen = CMDBUFFSIZE + 1;
      fields.errmsg = alloc_id(fields.errmsglen, aid_qf_errmsg);
      fields.pattern = alloc_id(CMDBUFFSIZE + 1, aid_qf_pattern);
!     if (fields.namebuf == NULL || fields.errmsg == NULL
!               || fields.pattern == NULL)
        goto qf_init_end;
      if (efile != NULL && (state.fd = mch_fopen((char *)efile, "r")) == NULL)
*** 1817,1823 ****
   * pop dirbuf from the directory stack and return previous directory or NULL 
   * stack is empty
--- 1818,1823 ----
*** 4948,4954 ****
!  * Parse text from 'di' and return the quickfix list items
      static int
  qf_get_list_from_lines(dict_T *what, dictitem_T *di, dict_T *retdict)
--- 4948,4955 ----
!  * Parse text from 'di' and return the quickfix list items.
!  * Existing quickfix lists are not modified.
      static int
  qf_get_list_from_lines(dict_T *what, dictitem_T *di, dict_T *retdict)
*** 5017,5041 ****
!  * Return quickfix/location list details (title) as a
!  * dictionary. 'what' contains the details to return. If 'list_idx' is -1,
!  * then current list is used. Otherwise the specified list is used.
!     int
! qf_get_properties(win_T *wp, dict_T *what, dict_T *retdict)
-     qf_info_T *qi = &ql_info;
-     int               status = OK;
-     int               qf_idx;
-     dictitem_T        *di;
      int               flags = QF_GETLIST_NONE;
-     if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"lines", -1)) != NULL)
-       return qf_get_list_from_lines(what, di, retdict);
-     if (wp != NULL)
-       qi = GET_LOC_LIST(wp);
      if (dict_find(what, (char_u *)"all", -1) != NULL)
        flags |= QF_GETLIST_ALL;
--- 5018,5030 ----
!  * Convert the keys in 'what' to quickfix list property flags.
!     static int
! qf_getprop_keys2flags(dict_T *what)
      int               flags = QF_GETLIST_NONE;
      if (dict_find(what, (char_u *)"all", -1) != NULL)
        flags |= QF_GETLIST_ALL;
*** 5066,5205 ****
      if (dict_find(what, (char_u *)"changedtick", -1) != NULL)
        flags |= QF_GETLIST_TICK;
!     if (qi != NULL && qi->qf_listcount != 0)
!       qf_idx = qi->qf_curlist;        /* default is the current list */
!       if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"nr", -1)) != NULL)
!           /* Use the specified quickfix/location list */
!           if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
!               /* for zero use the current list */
!               if (di->di_tv.vval.v_number != 0)
!               {
!                   qf_idx = di->di_tv.vval.v_number - 1;
!                   if (qf_idx < 0 || qf_idx >= qi->qf_listcount)
!                       qf_idx = -1;
!               }
-           else if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_STRING
-                           && di->di_tv.vval.v_string != NULL
-                           && STRCMP(di->di_tv.vval.v_string, "$") == 0)
-               /* Get the last quickfix list number */
-               qf_idx = qi->qf_listcount - 1;
-           else
-               qf_idx = -1;
-           flags |= QF_GETLIST_NR;
!       if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"id", -1)) != NULL)
!           /* Look for a list with the specified id */
!           if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
!           {
!               /*
!                * For zero, use the current list or the list specifed by 'nr'
!                */
!               if (di->di_tv.vval.v_number != 0)
!                   qf_idx = qf_id2nr(qi, di->di_tv.vval.v_number);
!               flags |= QF_GETLIST_ID;
!           }
!           else
!               qf_idx = -1;
!     /* List is not present or is empty */
!     if (qi == NULL || qi->qf_listcount == 0 || qf_idx == -1)
!     {
!       if (flags & QF_GETLIST_TITLE)
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "title", 0L, (char_u *)"");
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ITEMS))
!       {
!           list_T      *l = list_alloc();
!           if (l != NULL)
!               status = dict_add_list(retdict, "items", l);
!           else
!               status = FAIL;
!       }
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_NR))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "nr", 0L, NULL);
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_WINID))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "winid", qf_winid(qi), NULL);
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_CONTEXT))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "context", 0L, (char_u *)"");
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ID))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "id", 0L, NULL);
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_IDX))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "idx", 0L, NULL);
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_SIZE))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "size", 0L, NULL);
!       if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_TICK))
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "changedtick", 0L, NULL);
!       return status;
!     }
      if (flags & QF_GETLIST_TITLE)
!     {
!       char_u  *t;
!       t = qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_title;
!       if (t == NULL)
!           t = (char_u *)"";
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "title", 0L, t);
!     }
!     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_NR))
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "nr", qf_idx + 1, NULL);
!     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_WINID))
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "winid", qf_winid(qi), NULL);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ITEMS))
        list_T  *l = list_alloc();
        if (l != NULL)
!       {
!           (void)get_errorlist(qi, NULL, qf_idx, l);
!           dict_add_list(retdict, "items", l);
!       }
            status = FAIL;
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_CONTEXT))
!       if (qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_ctx != NULL)
!           di = dictitem_alloc((char_u *)"context");
!           if (di != NULL)
!           {
!               copy_tv(qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_ctx, &di->di_tv);
!               status = dict_add(retdict, di);
!               if (status == FAIL)
!                   dictitem_free(di);
!           }
!           else
!               status = FAIL;
!           status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "context", 0L, (char_u *)"");
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ID))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "id", qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_id,
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_IDX))
!     {
!       int idx = qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_index;
!       if (qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_count == 0)
!           /* For empty lists, qf_index is set to 1 */
!           idx = 0;
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "idx", idx, NULL);
!     }
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_SIZE))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "size",
                                        qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_count, NULL);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_TICK))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "changedtick",
                                qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_changedtick, NULL);
--- 5055,5277 ----
      if (dict_find(what, (char_u *)"changedtick", -1) != NULL)
        flags |= QF_GETLIST_TICK;
!     return flags;
! }
! /*
!  * Return the quickfix list index based on 'nr' or 'id' in 'what'.
!  * If 'nr' and 'id' are not present in 'what' then return the current
!  * quickfix list index.
!  * If 'nr' is zero then return the current quickfix list index.
!  * If 'nr' is '$' then return the last quickfix list index.
!  * If 'id' is present then return the index of the quickfix list with that id.
!  * If 'id' is zero then return the quickfix list index specified by 'nr'.
!  * Return -1, if quickfix list is not present or if the stack is empty.
!  */
!     static int
! qf_getprop_qfidx(qf_info_T *qi, dict_T *what)
! {
!     int               qf_idx;
!     dictitem_T        *di;
!     qf_idx = qi->qf_curlist;  /* default is the current list */
!     if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"nr", -1)) != NULL)
!       /* Use the specified quickfix/location list */
!       if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
!           /* for zero use the current list */
!           if (di->di_tv.vval.v_number != 0)
!               qf_idx = di->di_tv.vval.v_number - 1;
!               if (qf_idx < 0 || qf_idx >= qi->qf_listcount)
!                   qf_idx = -1;
+       else if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_STRING
+               && di->di_tv.vval.v_string != NULL
+               && STRCMP(di->di_tv.vval.v_string, "$") == 0)
+           /* Get the last quickfix list number */
+           qf_idx = qi->qf_listcount - 1;
+       else
+           qf_idx = -1;
+     }
!     if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"id", -1)) != NULL)
!     {
!       /* Look for a list with the specified id */
!       if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
!           /*
!            * For zero, use the current list or the list specified by 'nr'
!            */
!           if (di->di_tv.vval.v_number != 0)
!               qf_idx = qf_id2nr(qi, di->di_tv.vval.v_number);
+       else
+           qf_idx = -1;
!     return qf_idx;
! }
! /*
!  * Return default values for quickfix list properties in retdict.
!  */
!     static int
! qf_getprop_defaults(qf_info_T *qi, int flags, dict_T *retdict)
! {
!     int               status = OK;
      if (flags & QF_GETLIST_TITLE)
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "title", 0L, (char_u *)"");
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ITEMS))
        list_T  *l = list_alloc();
        if (l != NULL)
!           status = dict_add_list(retdict, "items", l);
            status = FAIL;
!     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_NR))
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "nr", 0L, NULL);
!     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_WINID))
!       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "winid", qf_winid(qi), NULL);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_CONTEXT))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "context", 0L, (char_u *)"");
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ID))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "id", 0L, NULL);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_IDX))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "idx", 0L, NULL);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_SIZE))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "size", 0L, NULL);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_TICK))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "changedtick", 0L, NULL);
+     return status;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return the quickfix list title as 'title' in retdict
+  */
+     static int
+ qf_getprop_title(qf_info_T *qi, int qf_idx, dict_T *retdict)
+ {
+     char_u    *t;
+     t = qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_title;
+     if (t == NULL)
+       t = (char_u *)"";
+     return dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "title", 0L, t);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return the quickfix list items/entries as 'items' in retdict
+  */
+     static int
+ qf_getprop_items(qf_info_T *qi, int qf_idx, dict_T *retdict)
+ {
+     int               status = OK;
+     list_T    *l = list_alloc();
+     if (l != NULL)
!       (void)get_errorlist(qi, NULL, qf_idx, l);
!       dict_add_list(retdict, "items", l);
!     }
!     else
!       status = FAIL;
!     return status;
! }
! /*
!  * Return the quickfix list context (if any) as 'context' in retdict.
!  */
!     static int
! qf_getprop_ctx(qf_info_T *qi, int qf_idx, dict_T *retdict)
! {
!     int               status;
!     dictitem_T        *di;
!     if (qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_ctx != NULL)
!     {
!       di = dictitem_alloc((char_u *)"context");
!       if (di != NULL)
!           copy_tv(qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_ctx, &di->di_tv);
!           status = dict_add(retdict, di);
!           if (status == FAIL)
!               dictitem_free(di);
!           status = FAIL;
+     else
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "context", 0L, (char_u *)"");
+     return status;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return the quickfix list index as 'idx' in retdict
+  */
+     static int
+ qf_getprop_idx(qf_info_T *qi, int qf_idx, dict_T *retdict)
+ {
+     int idx = qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_index;
+     if (qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_count == 0)
+       /* For empty lists, qf_index is set to 1 */
+       idx = 0;
+     return dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "idx", idx, NULL);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return quickfix/location list details (title) as a
+  * dictionary. 'what' contains the details to return. If 'list_idx' is -1,
+  * then current list is used. Otherwise the specified list is used.
+  */
+     int
+ qf_get_properties(win_T *wp, dict_T *what, dict_T *retdict)
+ {
+     qf_info_T *qi = &ql_info;
+     int               status = OK;
+     int               qf_idx;
+     dictitem_T        *di;
+     int               flags = QF_GETLIST_NONE;
+     if ((di = dict_find(what, (char_u *)"lines", -1)) != NULL)
+       return qf_get_list_from_lines(what, di, retdict);
+     if (wp != NULL)
+       qi = GET_LOC_LIST(wp);
+     flags = qf_getprop_keys2flags(what);
+     if (qi != NULL && qi->qf_listcount != 0)
+       qf_idx = qf_getprop_qfidx(qi, what);
+     /* List is not present or is empty */
+     if (qi == NULL || qi->qf_listcount == 0 || qf_idx == -1)
+       return qf_getprop_defaults(qi, flags, retdict);
+     if (flags & QF_GETLIST_TITLE)
+       status = qf_getprop_title(qi, qf_idx, retdict);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_NR))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "nr", qf_idx + 1, NULL);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_WINID))
+       status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "winid", qf_winid(qi), NULL);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ITEMS))
+       status = qf_getprop_items(qi, qf_idx, retdict);
+     if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_CONTEXT))
+       status = qf_getprop_ctx(qi, qf_idx, retdict);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_ID))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "id", qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_id,
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_IDX))
!       status = qf_getprop_idx(qi, qf_idx, retdict);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_SIZE))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "size",
                                        qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_count, NULL);
      if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_TICK))
        status = dict_add_nr_str(retdict, "changedtick",
                                qi->qf_lists[qf_idx].qf_changedtick, NULL);
*** 5609,5615 ****
   * Mark the context of the quickfix list and the location lists (if present) 
!  * "in use". So that garabage collection doesn't free the context.
  set_ref_in_quickfix(int copyID)
--- 5681,5687 ----
   * Mark the context of the quickfix list and the location lists (if present) 
!  * "in use". So that garbage collection doesn't free the context.
  set_ref_in_quickfix(int copyID)
*** ../vim-8.0.1726/src/version.c       2018-04-16 17:06:05.323478515 +0200
--- src/version.c       2018-04-16 18:04:11.811943576 +0200
*** 764,765 ****
--- 764,767 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1727,

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