On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 3:50 AM Ken Takata <ktakata65...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> I have updated the patch for 8.1.0453:
> * Fixed conflicts.
> * Fixed a typo in a comment which was added in 8.1.0453.
> Regards,
> Ken Takata

In UTF-8, characters outside the BMP (i.e. characters in the range
U+10000 to U+10FFFD), including some "CJK Extension" characters in
plane 2, use 4 bytes each, not 3. However, in UTF-16le as used by
Windows, each of those non-BMP characters takes up 2 words (one high
surrogate and one low surrogate) instead of 1, so maybe (I don't know)
they might "count double" towards the allowed _MAX_PATH characters.

Best regards,

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