On Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 9:44:30 AM UTC-6, jonshouse1 wrote:
> Unfortunately people are still unhappy, partly because it seems there are 
> many people who do not use a user specific vimrc file and simply used the 
> system wide vimrc config file (I had a similar discussion with several Debian 
> users) which will get overwritten by defaults.vim as you found out.
> I read this as "I've had similar discussions with people who expect vim 
> configuration to act in a sane way" ....
> At very least  /etc/vim/vimrc should be parsed 2nd from last, $HOME/vimrc 
> last of all  ?  The USER should always win over the "default" yes ?

The USER does win. /etc/vim/vimrc is not for USER settings. Those are default 
settings that your distribution's packagers decided were best on their distro. 
For whatever reason, they decided that sourcing Vim's own default.vim was a 
good default setting for their distribution. They could easily have decided to 
source it and override some settings, or prevent it sourcing entirely, but they 
did not. Many distributions already change default Vim settingts: disabling 
modelines is one I've seen a few times. Enabling the syntax highlighting you 
apparently enjoy is another common one.

Your distribution decided the default settings would include those in 
defaults.vim. If you don't like the defaults for your distribution, then change 
them in your user settings. Or build and install your own Vim package with your 
own preferred default system settings.

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