Nick Jensen <> wrote:

> The 2020-04-05 08:51, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> >I think that in the first case the original line was correct: a
> >twenty-minute training, a ten-kilometre distance, a ten-foot pole,
> >etc.: in English the unit of measure remains (IIRC) invariable (i.e.
> >does not take the mark of the plural) when used with a number before
> >the measured noun.
> Agreed. As a native English speaker, "a 20 minutes interactive training"
> is wrong. It is better without the "s" of "minutes", but actually "a
> training" doesn't sound right in either case.
> In my opinion, it should be either:
>      a 20 minute interactive course
> or:
>      a 20 minute interactive training session
> Regards,
> Nick

I found

So no 's' in this case.
But, I see an inconsistency in help.txt:

* (line 34) a 20 minute interactive training
* (line 44) 20 minutes training course for beginners


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