runtime(doc): regenerate xxd manpage

Author: Christian Brabandt <>
Date:   Wed Sep 27 23:33:39 2023 +0200

    runtime(doc): regenerate xxd manpage
    Commit f6fc255e8d9c46a0e51e (v9.0.1834) updated xxd.1 but the
    page wasn't re-generated. So let's just regenerate it now.
    Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>

diff --git a/runtime/doc/ b/runtime/doc/
index 3eae32ab6..26077265a 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/
+++ b/runtime/doc/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ XXD(1)                      General Commands Manual             
-       xxd - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
+       xxd - make a hex dump or do the reverse.
        xxd -h[elp]
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ OPTIONS
        notation.  Thus -c8, -c 8, -c 010 and -cols 8 are all equivalent.
        -a | -autoskip
-              Toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines.  Default off.
+              Toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces NUL-lines.  Default off.
        -b | -bits
-              Switch to bits (binary digits) dump, rather than hexdump.   This
+              Switch to bits (binary digits) dump, rather than hex dump.  This
               option  writes octets as eight digits "1"s and "0"s instead of a
               normal hexadecimal dump. Each line is preceded by a line  number
-              in  hexadecimal and followed by an ascii (or ebcdic) representa‐
+              in  hexadecimal and followed by an ASCII (or EBCDIC) representa‐
               tion. The command line switches -r, -p, -i do not work with this
        -c cols | -cols cols
               Format  <cols> octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30, -b:
-              6). Max 256.  No maxmimum for -ps. With -ps, 0  results  in  one
+              6). Max 256.  No maximum for -ps. With -ps,  0  results  in  one
               long line of output.
        -C | -capitalize
@@ -54,53 +54,60 @@ OPTIONS
               to EBCDIC.  This does not change the hexadecimal representation.
               The option is meaningless in combinations with -r, -p or -i.
-       -e     Switch to little-endian hexdump.  This option treats byte groups
-              as words in little-endian byte order.  The default grouping of 4
-              bytes may be changed using -g.  This option only applies to hex‐
-              dump,  leaving  the  ASCII (or EBCDIC) representation unchanged.
-              The command line switches -r, -p, -i do not work with this mode.
+       -e     Switch to little-endian  hex  dump.   This  option  treats  byte
+              groups as words in little-endian byte order.  The default group‐
+              ing of 4 bytes may be changed using -g.  This  option  only  ap‐
+              plies to the hex dump, leaving the ASCII (or EBCDIC) representa‐
+              tion unchanged.  The command line switches -r,  -p,  -i  do  not
+              work with this mode.
        -g bytes | -groupsize bytes
-              Separate the output of every <bytes> bytes (two  hex  characters
-              or eight bit-digits each) by a whitespace.  Specify -g 0 to sup‐
+              Separate  the  output of every <bytes> bytes (two hex characters
+              or eight bit digits each) by a whitespace.  Specify -g 0 to sup‐
               press grouping.  <Bytes> defaults to 2 in normal mode, 4 in lit‐
-              tle-endian  mode and 1 in bits mode.  Grouping does not apply to
-              postscript or include style.
+              tle-endian mode and 1 in bits mode.  Grouping does not apply  to
+              PostScript or include style.
        -h | -help
-              Print a summary of available commands and exit.  No hex  dumping
+              Print  a summary of available commands and exit.  No hex dumping
               is performed.
        -i | -include
-              Output  in C include file style. A complete static array defini‐
-              tion is written (named after the input file), unless  xxd  reads
+              Output in C include file style. A complete static array  defini‐
+              tion  is  written (named after the input file), unless xxd reads
               from stdin.
        -l len | -len len
               Stop after writing <len> octets.
        -n name  |  -name name
-              Override  the variable name output when -i is used. The array is
+              Override the variable name output when -i is used. The array  is
               named name and the length is named name_len.
        -o offset
               Add <offset> to the displayed file position.
        -p | -ps | -postscript | -plain
-              Output in postscript continuous hexdump  style.  Also  known  as
-              plain hexdump style.
+              Output  in  PostScript  continuous hex dump style. Also known as
+              plain hex dump style.
        -r | -revert
-              Reverse  operation:  convert (or patch) hexdump into binary.  If
-              not writing to stdout, xxd writes into its output  file  without
+              Reverse operation: convert (or patch) hex dump into binary.   If
+              not  writing  to stdout, xxd writes into its output file without
               truncating it. Use the combination -r -p to read plain hexadeci‐
               mal dumps without line number information and without a particu‐
-              lar column layout. Additional Whitespace and line-breaks are al‐
+              lar column layout. Additional whitespace and line breaks are al‐
               lowed anywhere.
+       -R when
+              In  output the hex-value and the value are both colored with the
+              same color depending on the hex-value. Mostly helping to differ‐
+              entiate  printable and non-printable characters.  when is never,
+              always, or auto.
        -seek offset
               When used after -r: revert with <offset> added to file positions
-              found in hexdump.
+              found in hex dump.
        -s [+][-]seek
               Start at <seek> bytes abs. (or rel.) infile offset.  + indicates
@@ -110,56 +117,55 @@ OPTIONS
               (or if combined with +: before the current stdin file position).
               Without -s option, xxd starts at the current file position.
-       -u     Use upper case hex letters. Default is lower case.
+       -u     Use upper-case hex letters. Default is lower-case.
        -v | -version
               Show version string.
-       xxd -r has some builtin magic while evaluating line number information.
-       If  the  output  file is seekable, then the linenumbers at the start of
-       each hexdump line may be out of order, lines may be missing,  or  over‐
-       lapping.  In these cases xxd will lseek(2) to the next position. If the
-       output file is not seekable, only  gaps  are  allowed,  which  will  be
-       filled by null-bytes.
+       xxd -r has some built-in magic while evaluating  line  number  informa‐
+       tion.   If  the  output  file is seekable, then the line numbers at the
+       start of each hex dump line may be out of order, lines may be  missing,
+       or  overlapping. In these cases xxd will lseek(2) to the next position.
+       If the output file is not seekable, only gaps are allowed,  which  will
+       be filled by null-bytes.
        xxd -r never generates parse errors. Garbage is silently skipped.
-       When  editing hexdumps, please note that xxd -r skips everything on the
+       When editing hex dumps, please note that xxd -r skips everything on the
        input line after reading enough columns of hexadecimal data (see option
-       -c).  This  also means, that changes to the printable ascii (or ebcdic)
-       columns are always ignored. Reverting a  plain  (or  postscript)  style
-       hexdump  with  xxd  -r -p does not depend on the correct number of col‐
-       umns. Here anything that looks like a  pair  of  hex-digits  is  inter‐
-       preted.
+       -c).  This  also  means that changes to the printable ASCII (or EBCDIC)
+       columns are always ignored. Reverting a plain (or PostScript) style hex
+       dump  with  xxd -r -p does not depend on the correct number of columns.
+       Here, anything that looks like a pair of hex digits is interpreted.
        Note the difference between
        % xxd -i file
        % xxd -i < file
-       xxd  -s +seek may be different from xxd -s seek, as lseek(2) is used to
+       xxd -s +seek may be different from xxd -s seek, as lseek(2) is used  to
        "rewind" input.  A '+' makes a difference if the input source is stdin,
-       and  if  stdin's  file  position is not at the start of the file by the
-       time xxd is started and given its input.  The  following  examples  may
-       help to clarify (or further confuse!)...
+       and if stdin's file position is not at the start of  the  file  by  the
+       time  xxd  is  started and given its input.  The following examples may
+       help to clarify (or further confuse!):
-       Rewind  stdin before reading; needed because the `cat' has already read
+       Rewind stdin before reading; needed because the `cat' has already  read
        to the end of stdin.
        % sh -c "cat > plain_copy; xxd -s 0 > hex_copy" < file
-       Hexdump from file position 0x480 (=1024+128)  onwards.   The  `+'  sign
+       Hex  dump  from  file position 0x480 (=1024+128) onwards.  The `+' sign
        means "relative to the current position", thus the `128' adds to the 1k
        where dd left off.
-       % sh -c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd -s +128 >  hex_snippet"
+       %  sh -c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd -s +128 > hex_snippet"
        < file
-       Hexdump from file position 0x100 ( = 1024-768) on.
+       Hex dump from file position 0x100 (=1024-768) onwards.
        % sh -c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd -s +-768 > hex_snippet"
        < file
-       However, this is a rare situation and the use of `+' is rarely  needed.
-       The  author  prefers  to  monitor  the  effect of xxd with strace(1) or
+       However,  this is a rare situation and the use of `+' is rarely needed.
+       The author prefers to monitor the  effect  of  xxd  with  strace(1)  or
        truss(1), whenever -s is used.
@@ -169,7 +175,7 @@ EXAMPLES
        Print 3 lines (hex 0x30 bytes) from the end of file.
        % xxd -s -0x30 file
-       Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 20 octets per line.
+       Print 120 bytes as a continuous hex dump with 20 octets per line.
        % xxd -l 120 -ps -c 20 xxd.1
@@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ EXAMPLES
-       Hexdump the first 120 bytes of this man page with 12 octets per line.
+       Hex dump the first 120 bytes of this man page with 12 octets per line.
        % xxd -l 120 -c 12 xxd.1
        0000000: 2e54 4820 5858 4420 3120 2241  .TH XXD 1 "A
        000000c: 7567 7573 7420 3139 3936 2220  ugust 1996"
@@ -203,31 +209,31 @@ EXAMPLES
        % xxd -s 0x36 -l 13 -c 13 xxd.1
        0000036: 3235 7468 204d 6179 2031 3939 36  25th May 1996
-       Create a 65537 byte file with all bytes 0x00, except for the  last  one
+       Create  a  65537 byte file with all bytes 0x00, except for the last one
        which is 'A' (hex 0x41).
        % echo "010000: 41" | xxd -r > file
-       Hexdump this file with autoskip.
+       Hex dump this file with autoskip.
        % xxd -a -c 12 file
        0000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ............
        000fffc: 0000 0000 40                   ....A
        Create a 1 byte file containing a single 'A' character.  The number af‐
-       ter '-r -s' adds to the linenumbers found in the file; in  effect,  the
+       ter  '-r -s' adds to the line numbers found in the file; in effect, the
        leading bytes are suppressed.
        % echo "010000: 41" | xxd -r -s -0x10000 > file
-       Use xxd as a filter within an editor such as vim(1) to hexdump a region
-       marked between `a' and `z'.
+       Use xxd as a filter within an editor such as vim(1) to hex dump  a  re‐
+       gion marked between `a' and `z'.
        Use xxd as a filter within an editor such as vim(1) to recover a binary
-       hexdump marked between `a' and `z'.
+       hex dump marked between `a' and `z'.
        :'a,'z!xxd -r
        Use xxd as a filter within an editor such as vim(1) to recover one line
-       of a hexdump.  Move the cursor over the line and type:
+       of a hex dump.  Move the cursor over the line and type:
        !!xxd -r
        Read single characters from a serial line
@@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ RETURN VALUES
        0      no errors encountered.
-       -1     operation not supported ( xxd -r -i still impossible).
+       -1     operation not supported (xxd -r -i still impossible).
        1      error while parsing options.
@@ -254,7 +260,7 @@ SEE ALSO
        uuencode(1), uudecode(1), patch(1)
-       The tools weirdness matches its creators brain.  Use entirely  at  your
+       The tool's weirdness matches its creator's brain.  Use entirely at your
        own risk. Copy files. Trace it. Become a wizard.

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