On 2024-03-15, Christian Brabandt wrote:
>     we could just use XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim as we use $HOME/.vim only if we find
>     a XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc. But I would also put the viminfo in
>     XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim since if the user is using XDG_DIRS they don't want
>     clutter in their HOME.
> That sounds fine.

Except that the contents of ~/.vim is typically shareable among
different vim installations, e.g., on different machines, while
files such as ~/.viminfo are not.

I use Dropbox and unison to keep my configuration files synced
across several machines.  I don't want register contents and command
histories shared among those machines.

If someone wants their viminfo file in some directory other than
$HOME, they can always rename it in 'viminfo'.  Yes, I could do
that, too, but I really don't think the viminfo file belongs in the
vim directory.


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