I like the idea even though it begs to question the necessity of a
drawer UI. gvim particularly respects the portability of the UI by
keeping things like this to a minimum. I think this project should
replace the Cocoa_Vim and features like this should be in a special
branch. The problem is that one of the design goals is to keep vim as
an editor only which is why such features as an in editor Browser have
never been implemented.

On Oct 12, 11:15 am, Marcus Ferreira <ferreira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Steven Michalske <smichal...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > On Oct 9, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Marcus Ferreira wrote:
> > > Caruso,
> > > Being more specific, "more info" and "less space" was meant as a
> > > font size issue. When editing files I use Monaco 12 on both MacVim
> > > and TextMate. When browsing my directory tree TextMate can display
> > > more files and dirs because of its smaller font on the drawer.
> > I have the best idea.......
> > Make a cocoa drawer that can hold a vim buffer...
> > Then we can add things like NERDTree and similar plugins to display in
> > the drawer.
> > NERDTree then can be configured to be a strict list of files that are
> > your project, giving you a project drawer.
> > Hardkrash
> Amazing idea.....
> --
> ________________________________________
> Marcus Vinicius Ferreira
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