Hi Everyone,
I’ve been using MacVim for quite some time and after upgrading to Mavericks, I 
realized I needed a new version for that system. I was able to download and 
install a snapshot release of version 7.4 which works on Mavericks when opening 
smaller files but, it seems, not larger ones. Specifically, e.g., if I try to 
open a somewhat larger .tex file (152Kb) the app opens a blank window and 
stops. It does however work on smaller .tex files - I tested on an extremely 
small text (.tex) file with only 3 lines. The smaller file open and the LaTeX 
plugin worked. 

Note: I’m only assuming the issue is related to file size, I’m sure I could be 
wrong about that.

Bjorn suggested that it may be an issue with a plugin and that I should apply 
the trouble shooting guide steps.

The first thing I did was to rename/disable my .vimrc. After doing this the 
larger file opened quickly w/o a problem however the LaTeX plugin does not 
show up. 

It seems therefore that the problem is with my .vimrc but not related to the 
LaTeX plugin (underscore seems).

I've added my .vimrc and was wondering if anyone sees an obvious problem. Note 
this worked Ok before upgrading to Mavericks though even then
the bigger .tex file seemed to load a bit slow.

Many thanks & take care,
Joe Retzer

" -------------------------------  cut here --------------------------

REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke Latex-Suite when you open a tex file.

set nocompatible
syntax enable
filetype indent on

filetype plugin on

" IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
" can be called correctly.
" set shellslash

" Set font and font size
"set gfn=Monaco:h16

" IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
" search in a singe file. This will confuse Latex-Suite. Set your grep
" program to always generate a file-name.
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*

" OPTIONAL: This enables automatic indentation as you type.
filetype indent on

" OPTIONAL: Starting with Vim 7, the filetype of empty .tex files defaults to
" 'plaintex' instead of 'tex', which results in vim-latex not being loaded.
" The following changes the default filetype back to 'tex':
let g:tex_flavor='latex'

" Make \lv (mac-LaTeX) open the pdf in preview 
let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'open -a Preview'

" R compiling options

let g:r_macvim_RSend       = '<D-r>' 
let g:r_macvim_RChgWorkDir = '<D-d>' 
let g:r_macvim_RComment    = '<D-3>' 
let g:r_macvim_RSource     = '<D-R>' 

" File:        R.vim
" Author:      Vincent Nijs ()
" Last Change: Mon Dec  3 15:28:23 CST 2007
" Version:     0.01

" map <F3> to run the R script, vim will wait for the output
map <buffer> <F3>       :call RunRProgram("selectedlines")<CR><CR>
imap <buffer> <F3>      <ESC>:call RunRProgram("selectedlines")<CR><CR>a

" map <F4> to run the R script, vim will wait for the output
map <buffer> <F4>       :call RunRProgram("quick")<CR><CR>
imap <buffer> <F4>      <ESC>:call RunRProgram("quick")<CR><CR>a

" map <F5> to run the R script, long mode. You will see a tail of the output 
map <buffer> <F5>       :call RunRProgram("long")<CR><CR>
imap <buffer> <F5>      <ESC>:call RunRProgram("long")<CR><CR>a

" map <F6> to run the Ruby script, vim will wait for the output
map <buffer> <F6>       :call OpenROutput()<CR>
imap <buffer> <F6>      <ESC>:call OpenROutput()<CR>a

" comment lines in/out
noremap <buffer> mc     :call RToggleCommentify()<CR>j^

" highlighting the braces
syn match                       RBraces "[\{\}\[\]\(\)]"
hi RBraces              ctermfg=9 guifg=orange

" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  R functions
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! RunRProgram(mode) range " {{{
        " write buffer
        execute 'w!'

        " get the name of the current buffer, plus the full path
        let codeBuffer = expand("%:p")

        " set the name for the output buffer
        let outputBuffer = expand("%:r:h").'.rout'

        if a:mode == "selectedlines"
                " sending selected lines to interactive R application
                let command = join(getline(a:firstline,a:lastline),"\\n")
                let command = substitute(command,"\"","\\\\\"","g")
                let command = substitute(command,"\'","\\\\\"","g")
                call system("osascript -e 'tell application \"R\" to cmd \"" 
.command. "\"'")
        elseif a:mode == "quick"
                " opening a buffer for the output
                execute 'e! ' outputBuffer

                " clearing contents of the output buffer
                execute '%d'

                " Only one window visible
                execute 'only'

                " run the R program
                execute '!R --save < ' codeBuffer ' > ' outputBuffer ' 2>&1'
                "call system('R --save < ' codeBuffer ' > ' outputBuffer ' 

                " open the changed file
                execute 'e! ' outputBuffer              
                execute 'normal gg'

                " if there are errors in the output file jump to the first one
                if search(".rb:[0-9]\*:","W") == 0
                        execute 'normal G' 

        elseif a:mode == "long"

                let batchFileBuffer = "~/myVimFiles/vimSwap/rVim.bat"
                execute 'e! ' batchFileBuffer   
                " clearing contents of buffer
                execute '%d'
                " creating a command file that can be run externally using the 
'tee' command
                call append(0, 'R --save < ' .codeBuffer. ' > ' .outputBuffer. 
' 2>&1')

                execute 'w ' batchFileBuffer    
                execute '!chmod +x  ' batchFileBuffer
                execute '!nohup ' batchFileBuffer ' > 
~/myVimFiles/vimSwap/nohup.out &'

                " delete the temporary buffer after the program has been started
                execute 'bd! rVim.bat' 

                " keeping track of the output
                execute '!tail -f ' outputBuffer        


endfunction "}}}
function! OpenROutput() "{{{

        " set the name for the output buffer
        let outputBuffer = expand("%:r:h").'.rout'

        " opening the output buffer
        execute 'e! ' outputBuffer

        " Only one window visible
        execute 'only'

endfunction "}}}
function! RToggleCommentify() "{{{
        let lineString = getline(".")
        if lineString != $                                                      
                " don't comment empty lines
                let commentSymbol = '###'

                let isCommented = stridx(lineString,commentSymbol)              
" getting the first 3 symbols
                if isCommented == -1                                    
                        call Commentify(commentSymbol)                          
" if the line is uncommented, comment
                        call UnCommentify(commentSymbol)                        
" if the line is already commented, uncomment
endfunction "}}}
function! Commentify(commentSymbol) "{{{
        execute 'normal ^i'.a:commentSymbol.' '
endfunction "}}}
function! UnCommentify(commentSymbol) "{{{
        set nohlsearch  
        execute ':s+'.a:commentSymbol.'\s*++'
        set hlsearch    
endfunction "}}}

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