Hey all,

I have the latest Beta of Mac OS X 10.10 yosemite installed.

MacVim (Mavericks Version) works well so far, it seems.

One thing that does not fit optically, is the background color of the active 

It seems the windowBackgroundColor does not fit the color of the window frame 

And neither does any system color, that I could find on:

As a workaround I set the background-color in PSMMetalTabStyle.m manually:

// NSDrawWindowBackground() is broken for borderless windows, see
// http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2006/Feb/msg00130.html
void MyNSDrawWindowBackground(NSRect rect)
    [[NSColor colorWithWhite:0.825 alpha:1.0] set];
    //[[NSColor windowBackgroundColor] set];
    NSRectFill( rect );

Do you see another better way to implement this? 
(E.g. to keep the old behaviour for previous Mac OS X Versions.)

Also the color does not change when the window is not active. Does the tabbar 
redraw depending on wether the window is active or not?

I could also change the color of the non-selected tabs to what Safari/Finder 
are using for inactive tabs, but I don't know if you guys agree, because it has 
much less color contrast than the current metal style.

Best r


frank hellenkamp | interface designer
solmsstraße 7 | 10961 berlin

+49.30.49 78 20 70 | tel
+49.176.32 13 88 89 | mbl

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