Thank you for your reply, Tony. I didn't mean to imply that the mouse 
doesn't work beautifully, it does and I'm constantly amazed by the power of 

Having tinkered with this for a couple hours, and read what I can find in 
the manual, I think the problem is that when 'set mouse=' there are two 
different things that can be called the "selection": you can select using 
the Vim commands (eg vw) or using the mouse (eg double-left-click). When 
you hit command-C MacVim will copy the Vim-command-selection to the system 
clipboard but not the mouse-selection (presumably the same with gvim and 
control-C in Windows and X)

I tried unmapping command-C, hoping that would let the system process it, 
but MacVim still processes it (eg in insert, control-v command-c then 
results in the text "<D-c>")

p.s. For completeness, I tested with no .vimrc with the same results.

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