On 7 Nov 2008, at 06:58, Andrew Long wrote:

> Hi all
> I tried to install pyclewn on OS X Leopard last night. The install
> failed


I've had a couple of tries at using different instances of vim with the
pyclewn setup file.

1. mvim --nofork gets past the first hurdle, but fails as it's not
compiled with neteans_intg.

2. gvim --nofork doesn't get pastt his hurdle. Doesn't appear to respect
the --nofork

3. Moved /usr/bin/vim out of the way an hardlinked it to gvim. vim -g
starts a graphical instance that doesn't fork, but when I try the
pyclewn install, it also complains about netbeans.

I thought I'd have a go at plain clewn, which I expected to fail as it
also uses netbeans. This failed differently in ./configure, complaining
about timestamps on generated files, blaming it on broken 'ls' aliases
in my environment. Will try to hunt that down later maybe.

The delivered vim on Leopard is 7.0. Is there a newer version that I can
use? perhaps from macports?


Andrew Long
andrew dot long at mac dot com

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