2009/9/16 stone <lbzha...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/9/15 A. S. Budden <abud...@gmail.com>
> 2009/9/15 stone <lbzha...@gmail.com>:
>> 2009/9/14 A. S. Budden <abud...@gmail.com>
>> This is indeed very strange.  The problem is coming from globpath( )
>> as far as I can tell: it doesn't think that the file exists.  Your
>> path looks correct (and in the right format for globpath), so it's
>> bizarre that it can't find ctags.exe.  Please can you try the
>> following?
>> Sorry for the tedious entry: as an alternative, save all of that to a
>> file (e.g. c:\testfile.vim) without the leading colons and do:
>> :source c:\testfile.vim
>> We'll get to the bottom of this in the end!
> The result is like this:
> Path:
> C:\Program Files\PC Connectivity
> Solution\,C:\WINDOWS\system32,C:\WINDOWS,C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem,C:\Program
> Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\,C:\Program
> Files\doxygen\bin,,D:\Stone\software\install\job_tools\cvsnt,C:\Program
> Files\IVI
> Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Bin,D:\Stone\software\install\job_tools\Vim\vim72
> 1 line less; before #1  2 seconds ago
> Path Glob:
> 1 line less; before #2  2 seconds ago
> Winsys Glob:
> c:\windows\system32\ctags.exe

Okay!  I think I've figured out what's going on.  Please can you
download the latest version from
and let me know whether it works?

There's a note (that I'd previously missed) in :help globpath() that
says "Note that on MS-Windows a directory may have a trailing
backslash, remove it if you put a comma after it.".  I think that the
first entry in your path (which ends in a backslash) was being treated
as a single path: "C:\Program Files\PC Connectivity
Solution,C:\WINDOWS\system32", which doesn't make sense.  As a result,
C:\WINDOWS\system32 wasn't being searched.  Therefore, I've changed
the path substitution to:

let path = substitute($PATH, '\\\?;', ',', 'g')

which removes any trailing backslash at the same time as adding the
comma.  Hopefully this will fix the problem.

>> My plugin uses a similar method (it runs ctags, then parses it using
>> python to generate a symbol file).  It probably adds a little delay
>> opening the code file, but I don't really notice it.  It obviously
>> depends on the number of symbols and how you are doing the
>> highlighting.  It's important that you use "syn keyword" instead of
>> "syn match" (as the latter is much slower) and it is beneficial to put
>> multiple keywords on one line (although there is a line length limit
>> that must be obeyed as well) in order to reduce the size of the
>> highlight file.
>> Hope that helps,
> Thank you for your advise. And How about one line length limit?

I think it's 512 characters (based on re-reading mktypes.py).
Hopefully with the fixed version of my plugin, you won't need it



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