I'm using vim 7.1 - huge model on Linux with KDE 3.5.10.  Back in my
emacs days, I was able to use emacs functions with escape sequences
to enable that system to interpert all keypad input as unique keys.
Example: the minus key on the keypad is read as kp-minus.  I have
observed that on my system, only four of the numeric keypad keys are
read distinctly different from their lexical counterparts on the
main keyboard.

They are: <kPageUp>, <kPageUp>,<kHome>, and <kEnd>. 

I would find it very valuable indeed to be able to read all of the
keypad keys as unique keys. Indeed, xev _does_ read them with unique

I suspect that the solution lies not with vim but with my X
configuration, as vim has key notation identifiers for all of the
keypad keys. Thus, I hope that someone may have dealt with this
issue themselves and can point me to the correct resources or


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