On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 03:18:33PM EST, Sven Brueggemann wrote:
> Hello Chris,

> > That's what I meant by 'amazing your friends' since though it has
> > its merits, I don't see this particular example as being very
> > useful, probably not enough to justify the overhead and added
> > complexity.

> i didn't follow the thread closely. You might like to watch this video
> http://www.derekwyatt.org/vim/vim-tutorial-videos/vim-intermediate-tutorial-videos/#onevim
> (about 4:30 min).

Thanks, I have something else streaming right now but I will watch it

> > I want to better understand the feature and find out if it might
> > provide useful editing strategies

> The strategy or paradigm or whatever is to use just one instance of
> vim. If you end your work day with closing lots of vim instances like
> I once did, it's worth a try...

I tend to do everything in one permanent Vim instance that initializes
when I bring up my desktop.. and have it remember what I was doing via

But since I do this to avoid the clutter of spawning instances all over
the place, I may yet switch to the client-server paradigm in order to
give my working model a bit more flexibility. 

Since I run pretty much everything I need in one instance of GNU/screen
over xterm, it would be nice if I could also have screen switch focus to
the particular region where the server vim instance currently lives -
would make things more convenient/transparent.

Another possible use is that you might use several server instances to
address different needs, such as featuring a more capable font when
I occasion have to deal with exotic scripts, maths symbols, etc.

This is especially true, when other layers are involved, such as a
mailer for instance, since this approach might turn out to be more
effective than using the xterm mechanism to switch to a different font,
resizing the terminal, switching back to the default font, resizing the
terminal.. etc.

Certainly worth a try as you indicated.



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