2010/1/11 rakeshg <rakeshbab...@gmail.com>:
> I tried to find a regular expression to transform a line
> This is what is required:
> From:
> something "ab,cd,ef,gh,..."
> To:
> something
> something.ab,something.cd,something.ef,something.gh,something.ij,....

I don't think you can do this with a regular expression in Vim.  How
about something like:

function! ExpandStuff(linecontents)
    let searchpattern = '^\(\k\+\)\s\+"\(.\{-}\)"'
    let prefix = substitute(a:linecontents, searchpattern, '\1', '')
    let suffixes = split(substitute(a:linecontents, searchpattern,
'\2', ''), ',')
    let new_line = ""
    for item in suffixes
        let new_line .= prefix . "." . item . ","
    return new_line

Having defined this, you should be able to do:

    :%s/^something ".*"/\=ExpandStuff(submatch(0))/

Hope that helps, although it may contain the odd bug as I typed it
directly into the email rather than testing it (sorry!).  If you don't
want a trailing comment (it wasn't clear from your example), you'll
need to modify it accordingly (either strip it off the end or only add
it if it's not the last one).


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