> Otherwise, I was unable to background-execute my perl script with "start" 
> from my win32-gvim. It was quite a long time ago, I don't remember what were 
> the various ways I tried back then. Hence I cannot tell without testing it 
> whether Ben's solution will actually work.

Testing at home (no Visual Studio!) shows that the :!start idea will
work fine. I wrote a batch file which contains:

"c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"c:\Program Files\vim\vim72\gvim.exe" --remote-send ":cfile test.cfile<CR>"

Then from inside vim I run: ":!start <batchfile>". As soon as I quit
Firefox, my testfile is opened as the error file in Vim.

Of course the downside of this is that if the remote-send executes
while I am in the middle of editing a file, it just enters that text
into the file. It should be easy enough to figure out a nice solution
for that though....


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