On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:13:07AM EST, octopusgrabbus wrote:

> Does anyone offhand know the key code that is sent when 'h' is pressed
> in Edit Mode? I'm trying to customize a linux terminal emulator that
> is acting up. 'h' works fine, but backspace doesn't, and it's only on
> Ubuntu systems.

Not sure what you mean by 'Edit Mode', and if you mean 'h' or Ctrl+h,
but assuming you are on some *nix or other, possibly linux, (and that
you are doing this in an X session, not on the console..), you can use
the xev utility to display such things as key codes. 

What I'm seeing here when I hit 'h' is that the key code is 43 and the
keysyms is x68.

Otherwise if you're having problems with backspace & delete, this might

:h fixdel


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