On 11/12/2010 02:50 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:
Using vim 7.2 huge version on ubuntu 10.04
In the following vimscript:
"" begin code
        for line in lines
                execute "norm! i". line
                execute 'norm! o'
"" end code
How may I check `line' to see if it is the last item in list

Just as an alternative, you can slice lists like you do in Python:

  for line in lines[:-2]

will execute over all but the last line. You can read about this syntax at

  :help list-index

in particular, skimming down to the "Sublist" section.

In your case, it almost looks like your function-body could just get away with being written something like

  call append(line('.'), lines[:-2])

which would append at the current location (not specified in your function, so I assume the current line) all the lines in "lines" except the last one.


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