On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 09:08:52PM EST, Daniel Choi wrote:
> These are all very good suggestions. 


After posting, I was a little concerned you might take my comments as
negative, which they were not meant to be.

One possible route might be to take a hard look at mutt's interface,
since mutt basically does pretty much everything you'll ever need when
working with mail messages¹ but it often does so in rather ‘mysterious’
ways, and see if the same could be offered in a more vim-ish way.

Mutt's user interface is not particularly user-friendly, especially for
those who come from a GUI environment, but the one aspect that still
aggravates me on a regular basis, is that its browser does not provide
a windowing mode: so that when you start replying to a message, the only
way you can take another look at other messages in the current thread²
is either to exit your incomplete reply and save it to your ‘drafts’
folder, or fire up another instance of mutt in another terminal³. In
terms of usability, it would make a big difference if mutt had something
akin to vim's buffer windowing mode and bufferlist so that you could
easily display several messages concurrently, and navigate and switch
between them via the ‘:b*’ family of commands.

I guess what I'm suggesting is that if someone had the time, energy,
motivation, and talent to write a general-purpose text-mode mailer from
scratch, he could do a lot worse than basing it on Vim's (not Gvim's)

Does vmail offer such capabilities or does this go beyond what you plan
to do?


¹ Even exotic stuff like breaking and joining threads, which sometimes
  comes in handy.

² Or.. vim-like help files! Try <F1> in mutt and ‘/’ to find help on
  anything for a really nerve-wracking experience :-)

³ There are other circumstances, such as when you suddenly remember that
  you urgently need to reply to mail that just came in..

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