* Tim Chase <v...@tim.thechases.com> [110814 11:36]:
> On 08/14/2011 11:42 AM, Tim Johnson wrote:
> There are lots of ways to do this, so I'll toss a couple out there
> and you can pick & choose depending on your needs.
> The first & easiest (assuming the first/"previous" line is an even
> multiple of 'shiftwidth' and corresponds to your 'expandtab'
> settings) is to just use the ">" or "<" commands to shift over the
> range.  In the above example, I'd select the 2nd & 3rd lines and hit
> ">" to shift them right one.  If I needed multiple shifts to get
> them into position, I'd then hit "." (period) to repeat the shift
> until they're in place.
 I use this method all the time... 
> If the 1st/"previous" line's leading whitespace *isn't* a multiple
> of 'sw', making the previous method less helpful, then I'd consider
> using visual-block mode to select the left-hand column of the stuff
> to indent and then hit "I" (capital-eye) to insert at the beginning
> of the block.  Put in the expected/proper indentation, and then hit
> <esc> which will put that indentation on all the lines.  If the
> indentation of the 1st/"previous" line is a bit crazy (say, a sick
> mixture of tabs/spaces), then you could copy that indentation from
> the first line and then after hitting "I" in visual-block-mode, use
> control+R followed by a double-quote to insert the crazy
> indentation.
> Both of those are somewhat manual. If you want to create a mapping,
> you could do something like
>   :vnoremap <f4> :'<+1,'>s/^\s*/\=matchstr(getline("'<"),
> '^\s*')<cr>
> which would allow you to visually select the lines in question. The
> mapping will then sniff the indentation of the first line you
> selected and then apply it to all the lines afterward.
> Finally, if you have oodles of these in your file and you don't want
> to visually select each piece manually, you can break out the
> nuclear option...something like
>  :g/^\s*"""/ka|+,/"""/s/^\s*/\=matchstr(getline("'a"), '^\s*')
> (this burns the "a" mark, so adjust the "ka" and "'a" accordingly if
> you don't want to tromp them) which will search for every line
> beginning with three double-quotes (with optionally leading
> whitespace) and then adjust from the following line ("+") through
> the next match of three double-quotes and pull down the indentation
> from the first/"previous" line.  If you don't want to burn ANY
> marks, it might be doable with
> :g/^\s*"""/+,/"""/s/^\s*/\=matchstr(getline(line('.')-1), '^\s*')
> So there you have a whole mess of options depending on the time,
> energy, and enormity of the task at hand. :)  Hope it helps,
  It sure does. These instructions above open all kinds of
  Thanks very much

tim at johnsons-web dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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