On 11/11/11 04:52, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Nov 10, 3:26 pm, Marcio Gil<marciom...@bol.com.br>  wrote:
On Nov 10, 6:09 pm, Christian Brabandt<cbli...@256bit.org>  wrote:

autocmd FileType dosbatch :e! ++enc=cp850

works, but put the syntax highlight off

On Nov 10, 6:16 pm, Tony Mechelynck<antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>

au BufReadPre,BufNewFile *.bat,*.btm,*.sys setlocal fenc=cp850

don't works.

On Nov 10, 6:29 pm, Ben Fritz<fritzophre...@gmail.com>  wrote:

autocmd FileType dosbatch e ++enc=cp850

Same as Christian Brabandt's: works, but put the syntax highlight off

Oops, forgot the "nested" keyword. Try:
autocmd FileType dosbatch nested e ++enc=cp850

See :help autocmd-nested

I actually have something a bit more complex (I've removed some
irrelevant stuff for your immediate problem, if some of this is
confusing as-is). I use a different method, by changing
'fileencodings' prior to loading the file, so that Vim automatically
detects my desired fileencoding:

   " Don't detect utf-8 without a BOM by default, I don't use UTF-8
   " and any files in latin1 will detect as UTF. Detect cp1252 rather
   " latin1 so files are read in correctly. Fall back to latin1 if
system does
   " not support cp1252 for some reason.
   exec 'set fileencodings=ucs-bom,'.s:windows_enc.',latin1'
   if has('autocmd')
     augroup fenc_detect

       " batch files need to use the encoding of the cmd.exe prompt in
       if has('win32') || has('win64')
         " get the cmd.exe encoding by asking for it
         let g:batcp = substitute(system('chcp'), '^\c\s*Active code
page: \(\d\+\)\s*[^[:print:]]*$', 'cp\1', '')
         if g:batcp =~? '^cp\d\+$'
           autocmd BufReadPre *.bat exec 'set fileencodings='.g:batcp
           autocmd BufNewFile *.bat exec 'setlocal
       " restore default fileencodings after loading the files that use
a special
       " value to force specific encodings
       exec 'autocmd BufReadPost *.bat set fileencodings=ucs-
     augroup END

This works only for DOS batch files, other files are also opened in

But in the Cygwin vim don't recognizes the s:windows_enc variable, I
will substitute this for 'cp850'

Oops, that's an artifact of my using the same .vimrc on Unix and
Windows. I do something like this, before the code snippet:

if has('unix')
   let s:windows_enc = '8bit-cp1252'
else " windows
   let s:windows_enc = 'cp1252'

You can also use the value 'Windows-1252' (the official name) which is known by iconv and so should work both on Unix Vim statically linked with +iconv and on Windows Vim dynamically linked with +iconv/dyn if iconv.dll or libiconv.dll can be found.

s:windows_enc doesn't exist by default. Setting it to cp850 means ALL
files will be detected with this encoding, if they don't have a BOM.

This works for me:

exec 'autocmd BufReadPre *.bat set fileencodings=ucs-bom,cp850,latin1'

As Tony says, this will set ALL files to cp850, unless they have a

The point of my script snippet was:

1. For most files, use ucs-bom to use a Unicode encoding if the file
has a BOM, then try windows-1252, but if the system doesn't recognize
windows-1252, try latin1 (I actually have more autocmds to check for
characters specific to windows-1252 and use latin1 if not present).
2. For *.bat files only, override this to ONLY try the cmd.exe
3. Restore option (1) after loading dos files, since the option is
global and the fenc is already set appropriately

Best regards,
Mencken and Nathan's Fifteenth Law of The Average American:
        The worst actress in the company is always the manager's wife.

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