In the code below, two of the right brackets , a square ']' bracket on
line 15 (2nd one from right) , and a curly one on line 34 (only bracket on line)

are hilighted in red indicating no match...
but putting your cursor over them shows its matching pair

(and the program works fine as it am pretty sure they are not unbalanced...)

Any ideas why the red hilighting?


#!/bin/bash -eu
# 10 elements backup levels:
#                      0,  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9
declare -r backup_base="/backups/Ishtar"

# must keep levels 0 for beginning of a month and
declare -ai diffs=(0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4)
declare -xi start=2

typeset -xri MaxLevel=9

function weeks_to_keep_level {
   local -i level=${1:?} offset=${2:-$start}
   ((level<MaxLevel)) && offset=$(weeks_to_keep_level $[level+1] $offset)
   echo  $[offset+${diffs[$[MaxLevel-level]]}]

function dumps_gt_weeks {
   local -i days=$[${1:?}*7];local  -a files
   readarray files < <(\
       find . -type f -name "*-$l-*.dump" -mtime +$days -print)
   echo "${files[@]:-""}"

function display_curve {
   local ln1="Level: "
    local ln2="Keep4: "
   local -i l
   for ((l = MaxLevel; l>=0; --l)) {
       printf -v ln1 "%s %2d" "$ln1" "$l"
       printf -v ln2 "%s %2d" "$ln2" "$(weeks_to_keep_level $l)"
   echo -e "$ln1\n$ln2"

function split2lns { printf "%s\n" $@ ; }


cd "$backup_base" || {
   echo "cd to '$backup_base' failed" >&2
       exit 1

echo "Working from backup base '$backup_base'"

declare -i level weeks
for ((l=9; l>=0; --l)) {
   weeks=$(weeks_to_keep_level $l)
   echo -n "level $l >= $weeks weeks: "
   files=($(dumps_gt_weeks $weeks))
   if ((${#files[@]})); then
       echo ""
split2lns "${files[@]:-""}" | xargs --no-run-if-empty du -sh |hsort -s
       echo rm above files?
       read ans
       if [[ $ans == y ]]; then
           split2lns "${files[@]}"|dumps_gt_weeks $weeks |\
               xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -f
       echo "(None Found)"

# vim: ts=2 sw=2

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