On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 04:11:19PM EST, Albin Olsson wrote:
> Hi
> Is there a setting so that I don't have to prepend my window creating
> commands with 'vert' every time? 

Not aware of one.

> In the age of wide screen monitors vertical splitting is a lot nicer
> than horizontal.

Couldn't agree more. I guess horizontal splits was the best strategy in
the days of terminals, when 80x24 characters was the norm and vertical
splits would have resulted in most everything being wrapped over two

Nowadays, especially with the newer 1080p standard and its 16:9 aspect
ratio, and the higher definition displays that come with it, I find that
most of the stuff I look at in Vim, from code to emails, occupies
roughly one fourth of the screen width and the other three fourth are
left unused.

Since I only use horizontal splits once I have already 2-3 vertical
planes (on rare occasions) what I personally did was to create
abbreviations in my vimrc, such as,

  cabbrev vhl vertical help

and use those instead of prepending relevant ex-mode commands with

Not what I would call an elegant solution, but it does what I want.

Another approach is to use predefined mappings of ‘split’ commands to
function keys or key combos, (or define new ones), rather than typing
the corresponding ex-mode commands.  

Otherwise, Vim's diff mode lets you specify whether you prefer vertical
splits via the ‘diffopt’ option.

  :h diffopt

Would be grateful if someone more knowledgeable could recommend a better


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