> Please share your the name of your favorite color scheme .....

Concerning colour schemes:

0. I regret to say that I don't know of any online and worth
   mentioning publication that can be used as a guide or reference
   on this topic (although I did some searching).  Has any of you
   guys been more successful than I was in this?  If so, please
   share a link.

1. I strongly believe that, in general, a dark background
   reduces the eye strain.

2. A sufficiently good contrast and (syntax) colour differentiation
   (where applicable) are my second strongest requirement.

3. In the old MSDOS times, most text editors I knew of (e.g. PE and
   PE2, E and E3, Turbo) had white letters on blue background
   preconfigured.  There must have been a good reason behind that
   choice that has to do with user experience.
   With those later MSDOS editors, such as KEDIT and THE, that
   let me configure them myself, I kept using white on blue.

4. When I moved to Vim, I started using the "blue" standard colour
   scheme.  At some point, I did a redesign of it that I called
   "clue" -- it is what I use now, and is available as Vim script

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