On 14/12/12 04:35, Erik Christiansen wrote:
On 13.12.12 15:30, Andreas Groh wrote:
Of course, key mappings are a workaround. I included two functions to
my .vimrc which can replace all umlauts in the document by the Latex
style equivalent and vice versa.

In concordance with several other posters, I have to point out that the
1978-ish '"a' gumpf is an ugly work-around, both in appearance and the
trouble it is causing. To move into the current millennium, and allow
your tools to natively handle the text, is the real fix.

The Alt key is very convenient for input of e.g. ä, ü, ö, and it takes
only a moment to make the mappings. (The fact that you speak of '"a'
suggests you're not using a German keyboard.) Their use quickly becomes
automatic, speeding entry of the subsequently readable input.


Which Alt- or AltGr-key combinations to use depends of course on your OS and locale: see for instance http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/other/keybbe.htm for a Belgian keyboard on Linux; but regardless of your national keyboard layout you can use the "accents" keymap distributed with Vim (as $VIMRUNTIME/keymap/accents.vim where :a gives ä, :o gives ö, etc.), or you can use digraphs (where Ctrl-K a : (without spaces) gives ä, Ctrl-K o : gives ö, etc. (see ":help digraphs-use" and ":help digraphs-default"). Or you can even construct your own keymap to get ä by typing "a, ö by typing "o, etc., see http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_make_a_keymap

Best regards,
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.
                -- Oscar Wilde

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