On 21/02/13 06:22, Charles E Campbell wrote:
Manas K wrote:
Hello Dr.Chip!

I tried out that version to the same effect. I did post earlier on the
vim mailing list and a gentleman (Tony) confirmed my suspicion that
once a directory was opened by using the direct path, any other
directory I further try to navigate will need to have a "/" after it,
which somehow sub-directories don't show.

You can also try two commands provided by netrw:

   gf : treat string under cursor as a file's name
   gd: treat string under cursor as a directory's name

Netrw has a variable that may help you:


See  :help g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd  .  The point is: netrw expects the
listing delivered by ftp to include the name followed by "/" in the case
of directories.  Try using ftp directly; does

    ls -lF

show directories with trailing slashes?  It could either be the site
that's causing trouble, your ftp doesn't pass along options, etc. If you
find some magic option that gets those slashes, modify the variable.

C Campbell

ah, interesting: thanks Dr. Chip.

With my version of ftp (which may or may not act like the OP's one), "ls" gives a long listing without directory slashes, but "ls -lF" outputs the same listing with the slashes. Thanks!

Best regards,
"Let me assure you that to us here at First National, you're not just a
number.  You're two numbers, a dash, three more numbers, another dash
and another number."
                -- James Estes

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