On 10/04/13 21:27, Christian Brabandt wrote:
Hi stosss!

On Mi, 10 Apr 2013, stosss wrote:

This single character unit is showing up in a text file ^F the cursor only
stops on the ^ portion of it and never on the F portion. It shows up in the
middle of words only.

What can I type in the search or search and replace so I can quickly find
and remove all of them? Searching for ^F or ^ or F doesn't work. pressing
CTRL f after / brought up the search history.

This is probably ctrl-f. if you want to search for it, you need to
insert it literally, e.g. type Ctrl-V Ctrl-F (see :h i_CTRL-V)

BTW: You can use the unicode.vim plugin, to find the name of a
character. E.g. Put the cursor on the char and enter :UnicodeName


ah, nice plugin; and the first time it fetches the UnicodeData.txt file from the Unicode Consortium's site. :-)

After some playing with it, I notice that characters not in the list (e.g. U+3102) give errors:

Error detected while processing function unicode#GetUniChar:
line 38:
E118: Too many arguments for function: add
line 47:
E684: list index out of range: 0
E116: invalid arguments for function printf("'%s' U+%04X %s %s %s", glyph, values(dict)[0], keys(dict)[0], dchar, html))
E116: Invalid arguments for function add

All in all, I like it, in spite of these errors.

Best regards,
Truth will be out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)

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