I have transitioned my vim resources from OS X 10.7 to ubuntu 12.04

I've got a real mess and rather than go into the gory details, I
need two sets of advice to begin with

1) When I start gvim, I get an error message that says "No Mapping
Found" - most mapping does appear to work, so I need to step through
gvim startup process.
  -- if I do `gvim -V20', I can see the startup steps, but I need to
  capture those messages in a file 'gvim -V20 > debug.txt' doesn't
  give me any results. Which syntax should I use?

2)Once I have gvim started, I'm getting erratic results when I
restore a session. Some sessions are fine, others have the syntax
highlight turned off and I can't get it to resume, among other
  -- similarly, I need a process to step through the session

Any help would be appreciated, answering the questions above should
enable me to trouble-shoot. In the meantime, I have a compromised
development platform.

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com
http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com

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