
> I would like an indicator in my 'titlestring' that informs me if ANY
> changes are present in ANY listed buffer.  This would be more like a
> global indicator for the 'modified' setting.  What is the most
> efficient way to do this?
> Currently, I've taken the naive approach:
> function! g:ChangesExist()
>     let l:bufferList = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
>     for l:bufferNumber in l:bufferList
>         if getbufvar(l:bufferNumber, '&modified')
>             return 1
>         endif
>     endfor
>     return 0
> endfunction
> This seems like the most direct method, but I'm wondering if there's
> some simple option or function call that I'm missing...

If speed is really that important, get rid of the loop and use something like

   return !empty(filter(bufferList, "getbufvar(v:val, '&modified')"))

or, in a single step:

   return !empty(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), "buflisted(v:val) && 
getbufvar(v:val, '&modified')"))

Luc Hermitte

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