On 2018-01-18 22:41, Gua Chung Lim wrote:
> For example gUw is the keystrokes to change the
> > current word to uppercase. Can I put gUw into the command like...
> > 
> > :%s/^foobar/gUw/g
> > to change any foobar at the beginning of the line to FOOBAR?
> > (I know this is a wrong example, I'm trying my hard time to
> > explain. ;-p )  
> I found it.
> :g/^foobar/norm! gUw

For this particular one (replacing a pattern with its uppercase
version), you can use


There's a lot of power in Vim's search-and-replace, so it's worth
reading up at

  :help sub-replace-special

and continuing on to read at

  :help :s%


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