On Sun, 11 Feb 2018 18:09:02 +0800
Zhigang Song <s...@zgang.me> wrote:

> Will vim copy all file content to memory when I open a file?

opening this file in vim:

-rw-r--r-- 1 shlomif shlomif 608170649 Feb 12 12:19 Total-Imp3.txt
shlomif[3fc]:~/Download/unpack/games/freecell/freecell-pro-3fc-deals--split$ wc 
 55946300  55946300 608170649 Total-Imp3.txt

takes 10% of my 8 GB of RAM, so I guess vim loads the file into RAM.



Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
https://is.gd/MQHVF3 - The Atom Text Editor edits a 2,000,001B file

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