On 06.08.18 19:15, Tim Chase wrote:
> I still use two spaces in my source material particularly because I
> can `:set cpo+=J` and Vim will be smart enough to navigate by
> sentence even if I have intermediate punctuation that might otherwise
> be considered terminal.  E.g.
>   I saw Dr. Smith yesterday.  She lives on Oak St. with her husband.

Ooh, that would be worth trying - if only I could train myself to insert
two spaces when typing text. After 2^16 trips around our star, that would
be serious finger reprogramming.


> That said, I usually write in some form of markup (usually HTML but
> sometimes Markdown or occasionally LaTeX) and then render them to
> HTML or PDF output with whatever the renderer deems an appropriate
> amount of inter-sentence spacing---an amount I don't really care
> about as long as it looks reasonable. :-)

I'll have to find time to dig up an introductory text on minimal LaTeX,
sufficient to add bold / underlined larger-font headings to some Vim
output, in a consumer-friendly font. When I use LibreOffice for that, I
have to make subsequent edits in the GUI monstrosity or lose the
formatting. :-(

On 06.08.18 14:47, John Little wrote:
> My understanding is that in print typesetting, more space was often
> used after a sentence than between words (though it could get
> complicated, depending on the font, the space needed for
> justification, and the first letter of the following sentence).

That is rather interesting. IIRC, not a few early printed books mimicked
the oversized initial capital at the start of a page. That would need
extra space. More generally, if sentence-start double spacing were not
strictly adhered to after initial hand typesetting, the spare space
could serve as a buffer to allow insertion of a missed character earlier
in the line, without risk of wrapping several following lines in a
paragraph. (Laborious by hand.)


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