I have a perl file with several instances of a variable number of comment lines, followed by a subroutine or variable declaration in the leftmost column with a comment with a fold marker on the same line as the declaration:

# comment here
# maybe more comment here
sub subname { #{{{1

# comment here
my %hash = ( #{{{1

What I want to do is to get a commented-out copy of the line with the fold marker above the first of the variable number of comment lines above that line:

# sub subname #{{{1
# comment here
# maybe more comment here
sub subname {

# my %hash #{{{1
# comment here
my %hash = (

Naturally I have a decent idea of how that could be done with a Perl script :-) but I wonder if there is a way to do it with Vim that can be put in a command -- preferably a way where I can confirm every instance an preferably a oneliner. I can live with getting the assignment operators and brackets copied along with the sub/variable names. Note that I want the comment marker immediately before the fold marker preserved, as I search for `#{{{\d\+` to remove the fold makers when I'm done.


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