I've been running Vim with the HOME environment variable set for a couple
of weeks now and it's remained consistently fast to start up.  As a test I
went back to unsetting $HOME and it went back to being very slow to start,
so there's definitely some combination of the way I've got vim set up (the
lack of any configuration in %USERPROFILE%, the directory structure with
c:\vim\vimfiles, c:\vim\runtime and c:\vim\gvim.exe) and the lack of a HOME
environment variable that makes gvim decide to go extremely slowly.  I
really like having the file structure as it is as I can have a copy of
c:\vim (automatically synchronised) on a work network drive and if I have
to use someone else's PC temporarily, it runs off the network drive with
all of my configuration (albeit a bit slower due to the lack of $HOME and
the fact it's loading everything over the network).

Having HOME set is a bit of a pain to be honest.  I tried just setting it
to /home/al (as expected by cygwin, and set by cygwin if it's not set in
the global environment), but that made TortoiseHg have a flap due to there
being a cygwin symbolic link .hgrc in cygwin's /home/al, which TortoiseHg
didn't understand.  If I set it to anything other than /home/al, cygwin
decided that the $HOME location was my new home directory and ignored all
my configuration.

I ended up with HOME set somewhere suitably random and with a whole load of
edited cygwin startup stuff that made sure HOME was set to /home/al in
cygwin regardless of what Windows had set in the global environment.

It would have been much easier if Vim started properly without $HOME set,
but I guess that's not going to be an easy thing to fix.  At least it works


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