On Sun, 26 Feb 2023, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

One way would be to not change 'filetype' directly but set a timer with
a very short timeout to do it later.  This can already be done now, you
can try it out.  Obvious disadvantage is that all the
indent/syntax/ftplugin files will be sourced twice.

Yeah, this works:

autocmd FileType foo if ... | call timer_start(0, {_ -> execute('set 
filetype=foo.bar', '')}) | endif

...assuming one can live with the double inclusion, which had tripped me up the first time I'd tried this. Also attempted were various hacks in {,after/}ftplugin/foo/, with mixed results.

(Aside: a time of 0 isn't explicitly documented, but seems to work as expected, i.e. meaning something like "next tick"...)

A specific way to handle this would be to add a FileTypePre event, which
would be triggered first and allow for changing 'filetype'.  Hmm,
perhaps we would also need this for the Syntax event?
This would be a very specific solution, do we really need it?

That'd be cleaner... Whether it's really needed, I'm not sure. I'm pretty far down the rabbit hole of trying to mix syntaxes in particular -- see other thread on extend causing trouble -- but not far enough to have a solid grasp on whether there's a better way, or what that would be.

I've found a lot of existing workarounds -- the @htmlPreproc cluster, the near-copy of HTML in PHP, the dynamic inclusions in Markdown/RST/others -- and having hacked up another, none seem all that satisfying.


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