On Jun 10, 2014, at 1:00 PM, James Kelly <jrkell...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just checked them again under a bright light and wearing magnifiers ( getting 
> old sucks)....you were right. 5 out of the nine caps have leaked...it was 
> hard to see, but its there. All the caps seem to have a pad under them, will 
> they present a problem when using two pencil soldering irons to remove the 
> caps. What exactly are these "pads" under the caps for? I am not a skilled 
> tech, but I think I can do this as long as I don't try to force the caps off 
> and I am careful with the amount of heat applied. Both soldering guns are 15v 
> I hoping the local Radio Shack will have the needed solid state caps.

I cut the tops off and wiggle the remaining silver can off with good 
needle-nosed pliers. You are left with the black (or brown), square plastic 
base and two legs. You can crack the plastic base in two, then use our iron to 
remove the free-standing legs. I clean the pads with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl 
alcohol and acetone, clean the pads with solder wick, and swab the entire area 
again with the 50/50 mix. Re-tin the pads and place the new capacitors down.

There are many other method but that is what I use.

There is some useful information at maccaps.com and the guy there offers a 
recap service also.

- Dylan

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