Part of the problem with Netscape 2.0 to 4.7x is that it was designed to be
internally multithreaded, using a Netscape thread manager, rather than a
system one*. The root of this came from Mac System 7 and 16-bit Windows. Those
systems didn't have thread managers. The result is a monstrously monolithic
and huge application, which uses so many resources that it can block the
system I/O queues, even on multithreaded, pre-emptive multitasking systems
like OS/2 or Win9x (although perhaps not NT). The system has to be rebooted
because you can't get back to the Finder/WorkPlace Shell/Explorer to kill it
when it hangs.

To their credit, this design provided some real benefits on a 68k Mac. I can
be downloading something while sending an email or reading a web page, etc.

*I think NS 4.x actually uses a system thread manager extension for OS 7.5.5
and earlier.

Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> --- David Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wait a minute.... It just happened again. This time
> > I was working in
> > Photoshop 5.5 with Pagemaker 6.5 open and Netscape
> > open, working a photo
> > from an internet download into Photoshop. (Î was
> > editing the photo at
> > the time of the crash.) This is when most of my
> > crashes occur.
> > David
> Netscape has a set of bugs that it has contained
> virtually unchanged since at least version 2.0.
> Their programmers have shown zero interest in
> fixing any of those "classic" bugs, most of which
> cause it to crash and usually destabilize the OS,
> Mac or Windows, doesn't matter with Netscape.
> On the Mac, I actually prefer Internet Explorer.
> I have to use Netscape at work because our customer
> database will not work properly with IE.

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