> Reply-to:      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Vintage Macs)
> To:            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Vintage Macs)
> Date:          Thu, 16 Aug 2001 11:09:42 +0800
> From:          "Andrew W. Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       Re: Thanks for the help, but...

> >And does anyone no a source for cheap ADB mice in Canada? The local Mac
> >shops wants $55 Cdn for an aftermarket. Mine is still skipping after
> >countless cleanings.
> I'll ship to Canada if you pay in US$.  US$10 should do it, then add 
> about $5 for shipping.  It'll be more like $3 ground or $6 air. 
> Thats what, CDN$30?

Bzzt...I bought 16 US dollars for 24.xx CDN *today*.

Thought shipping is inclusive packaging, used packagings in good 
condition and shipping cost?

And this is payment for shipping guts of LC475 logic board, PSU, 
floppy etc for price of shipping.  I was lucky to find someone who is 
giving away for cost of shipping or pickup.  Wasn't on the swaplist 
it was on classiccomp list.



> Peace
> Aqua
> -- 

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