-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Keirns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vintage Macs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 27, 2001 6:20 PM
Subject: Is there a Mac Rehab facility out there??

>I am not an addict.  I am not an addict.  Well, maybe a little bit.
>The school where I work is cleaning out storage space.  The principal told
>the custodians "See if Tracy wants those computers, and if not throw them
>the dumpster."  Guess who filled up the trunk of the car today??

>So, I guess my addiction is confirmed.  Now the question is, do I spend my
>hard earned cash on rehab, or on that nifty new Mac thing I saw on eBay the
>other day??

Coming from the "Painted-Macs" Lady, I'd say it's NOT an addiction,
but a refurbishment of artist's supplies. ;^)

I had up to 52 Macs here in a small shed until I found a young Mac-Addict
to share them with. And I WAS down to 28. Just picked up 12 more. (hee hee).

Refurb what works. Part-out what doesn't. I'll be writing you for non-burned
CRT's, Analog Boards..... you know, stuff like that.  ;^)

Then go to Ebay.


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