You know you can stop here in Rock Port, if you are travelling! I think the Subaru is a great choice, I've thought for quite a while that Subaru did what VW should have with the horizontal engine. I've owned one or more for about 20 years now, and they are not hard to work on- they have pretty reasonable computers and the engines are connected with a few electrical connectors and gas and throttle. They aren't much harder to pull the engine than a VW, except that you need a tree or overhead hoist to pull them out. I actually just bought another one to replace the little Impreza I drove to work for about 4 years. It shelled out a differential and, with all the other things that are wrong, it just isn't worth fixing.

glenh <:)>

On 11/13/2012 19:48, No Quarter wrote:
Well what a change this has been. Ever since I got on the list back in the 90s, it's always been the address. I remember sending search queries and having loads of fun figuring out how to research old topics. I'm so thankful I have my eyes to be able to read and read and read all this VW info after all these years. I love it! A little side note here - I'm going to by flying to Nashville, TN on Thanksgiving Day and I get to meet Bert Knupp in person and see the police beetle. I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm getting a job as a rural mail carrier so I'm picking up a RHD Subaru Legacy to use. The local postmaster told me that I could drive whatever I wanted (I specifically asked about a VW Beetle) and she said it's okay but was concerned that it might be a bit small for the mail volume. After I go on the route and see what kind of space is required, I might just end up with a converted RHD beetle. I'd really love to do the route in a bug. I know it's murder on the clutch but at least I can do the work on it. With a gas heater and or some other kind of auxiliary heater, winter shouldn't be too big of a problem. I'll have 700+ miles to drive back home via St. Louis, but if any listees are along the way, I'd be glad to stop for a quick break and something to drink and be on my way again.
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