Are you just using one index finger? If you are using both index fingers, how 
do you hold the phone? Tried with thumbs, but disaster! Could do it easily with 
the two index fingers though. Just cannot find a comfortable way to hold the 
phone so my index fingers are free to type. By the way, I could not get Fleksy 
to recognize words at first either. Now I have no trouble. May I suggest that 
perhaps the difficulty is that the movements of the finger or thumb are too 
wide. When I made my movements smaller, all of a sudden Fleksy understood me. 
When typing on an actual keyboard you have keys right under your fingers. 
Typing on a flat screen gave me the impression in my head I had a large area to 
work with, and it took practice and more practice to shorten the movements. Now 
most of the time I am very accurate. 

Reggie and Brooks

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