Hi, it depends on what you want. Driving directions, walking directions, where am I information? If you can be more specific you can get better answers. For example, as Richard pointed out, Mapquest is good in that it's free and it also provides good directions for driving and walking. The built-in maps program of the iPhone if using iOS prior to 6 is good for giving directions although not in real time. AroundMe tells you what's around you and what street you are currently on.


Raul A. Gallegos
I'm glad Twitter has a character limit of 140 instead of 144. That would be gross.
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On 10/6/2012 12:36 PM, Reese wrote:
Hi list:

Is there a good free GPS app out there?  Thanks in advance.


Now playing the best in R&B, Blues and Soft rock.  Its the new Peachtree

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