Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for all the help, regarding my ring doorbell questions. I really appreciate the support. I have a few more questions, and hope you all don't mind.

First of all, we got our Ring installed today. It went well. Although, there was a delay in getting the package. But Amazon was great, and took care of it right away.

First of all, does anyone know what Ring Chime pro is?

What might be the benefits of having this?

Also, has anyone else noticed that when you check the live feed, when using your iPhone, that you can tend to lose speach?

Has anyone else noticed anything like this? I have had it happen to me a couple times now.

Also, how do I add a shared user?

I'd like to add my boyfriend, as he lives with me. But when I tried to do it, not all the buttons seemed labeled. Actually, I wasn't even sure I saw all the buttons.

So has anyone else had experience adding a user? If so, how did you go about it?

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you,


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