Hi Wren,


Go to www.apple.com/iTunes/


Now click on "Download iTunes Now"


Once the page loads, you should see something like "iTunes 10.7 for Windows
(64 Bit)". Of course it may say "32 Bit" in your case depending on whether
you use a 32 Bit or 64 Bit version of Windows. In any case, the website
automatically detects what you are using and give you the appropriate


Next there is a "email me" checkbox which I usually uncheck and also a
checkbox for "Keep me up to date with Apple news, software updates, and the
latest information on products and services.". If you use Jaws you can
simply use the "x" quick key to get to these checkboxes and either leave
them checked or uncheck them. If you do want them checked and get emails you
also have to enter your email address in the edit field that is there.


Lastly, you do have to check your location or check "Other" and enter your
country if it's not listed as a selection you can check. This is mandatory.
These are radio buttons, so "r" will get you there and the space bar will
check the selection once you find the correct one.


After that is a "clickable" link, it is right after a link called "Why do we
need this".

It's not a button and it has a long and strange name, for me Jaws reads it
just like this:


Graphic en_US/iTunes_EnUS_DwDL_0902008 clickable


Just press enter on that and if you use Windows 7 you should now be able to
press "Alt+N" to get to the "Run", "Save" or "Cancel" options. Can't even
remember how this worked in XP, I think it just pops up asking you if you
want to Run or Save. I recommend to Save it first and then install it rather
than choosing "Run". It's very simple, I think you were in the correct place
already, just make sure you select your country and then click the link
below the "Why do we need this" link.



Good luck,



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